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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #20

By The Staff
Posted on: 12/24/2004

Season's greetings, hollow Earth, user names, consumer pollution, abuse of power, scary/haunted places, James Randi, Mark Twain and more!

Week ending December 24, 2004 (Vol 1, #20)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

The Staff of the Skeptic Friends Network wish that our members and readers will have good, fun and safe times during any religious, solstice, and/or end-of-year celebration(s) in which they may partake.

Forum Highlights:
“Our Hollow Earth” - Nobody has been able to find it, but that won’t stop these people.

So, what’s your user name? - Care to learn (or share) the stories behind member aliases? Here’s your chance.

Xmas Rampant consumerism vs environment - Do the traditions of this season significantly increase the damage done to the world?

Editor’s Choice: If You’re Not Breaking the Law, Why Do You Care? - Because it may be the government that’s breaking the law, that’s why.

From the Archives: “Worlds Scariest places” or “Worlds most haunted” - Old TV shows and old military jokes, how much fun is that?
Chat Highlights:
Wednesday’s chat covered lots of topics. Website technical issues and suggestions came up, as did questions about the virgin birth; Dave W. got a once-in-a-lifetime chance to expel God from chat; Astropin appeared to have cloned himself… three times. The unofficial topic quickly turned to James Randi and his old legal troubles, and by strange coincidence, Latinjral popped into chat for a little while.

Next week, the official unofficial topic: New Year’s Resolutions. What are yours?
Kil’s Evil Pick:
Mark Twain questions the Intelligent Design (ID) hypothesis, by Edward T. Babinski
New Members this Week:

(Not a member? Become one today!)
Top Ten Search Terms for the week:
These are the terms typed into search engines which most-frequently result in a person visiting the SFN:
  1. pips pureinvestor
  2. Miracle Thaw
  3. owl on the dollar bill
  4. pureinvestor
  5. owl on dollar bill
  6. bryan marsden
  7. pips scam
  8. jollypipster
  9. kent hovind
  10. bush frogs firecracker

Elsewhere in the World:
Is It Time to Scrap SETI?

What’s New by Bob Park

Why It’s Unconstitutional to Teach “Intelligent Design” in the Public Schools, as an Alternative to Evolution

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.
Book of the Week:
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism, by Susan Jacoby

“In impassioned, elegant prose, celebrated author Susan Jacoby paints a striking portrait of more than two hundred years of secularist activism, beginning with the fierce debate over the omission of God from the Constitution. Moving from nineteenth-century abolitionism and suffragism through the twentieth century’s civil liberties, civil rights, and feminist movements, Freethinkers illuminates the neglected accomplishments of secularists who, allied with liberal and tolerant religious believers, have stood at the forefront of the battle for reforms opposed by reactionary forces in the past and today.”

— Product Description

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2004, all rights reserved.

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