Skeptic Summary #21
By The Staff
Posted on: 1/1/2005
Cloned cat, bad quake, desired inventions, post sluts, female skeptics, resolutions, EVP and more!
Week ending December 31, 2004 (Vol 1, #21) Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.
We hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year.
Forum Highlights:And it STILL won’t come when you call it! - Next thing you know, we’ll have cyborg kitties, too.
Huge earthquake around S-East Asia - Everyone is talking about it.
Things that Don’t Exist - But Should - This is the thread in which to bring up that fig twizzler you’ve dreamed of…
Editor’s Choice: Post-Slut… - Our own filthy outs himself on the advent of his 3,000th post (congrats again).
From the Archives: Lack of Female Skeptics - There does seem to still be a lack, though it may be lessening. Chat Highlights:As a lead in to the New Year, this week’s unofficial official chat topic was resolutions. Also: the recent (and devastating) tsunami; beer; Storm and, naturally, ghosts. (Feel free to talk about the chat here!) Next week, it’s back to the chat free-for-all. Come check in and tell us how those resolutions are going! Kil’s Evil Pick:Electronic Voice Phenomena, by James E. Alcock, PhD New Members this Week:Jasonpa dv82matt
(Not a member? Become one today!) Top Ten Search Terms for the week:These are the terms typed into search engines which most-frequently result in a person visiting the SFN:- PIPs pureinvestor scam/jollypipster
- miracle thaw
- bible answer man/hank hanegraff
- predictions for 2005
- creationism evolution
- bryan marsden
- dr dino/Kent Hovind
- santa doesn’t exist
- owl on dollar bill
- Do all people have have same body temparture
Featured Site:American Red Cross Disaster Relief - Through Amazon.com Elsewhere in the World:Bad Science
Did animals’ ‘sixth sense’ save them from tsunami?
Susan Sontag dies aged 71
What’s New by Bob Park
Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them. Book of the Week:Conversations with Susan Sontag, by Susan Sontag, Leland A. Poague

“Poague has collected more than 20 interviews with Sontag, beginning with a 1969 conversation with Edwin Newman and moving on up through the decades. This chronological structure charts the progression of Sontag’s books, the evolution of her viewpoints, and her rise in stature from a brash young critic mocking radical chic to a cancer survivor pondering the cultural dimensions of disease in Illness as Metaphor (1978). Sontag, preferring philosophy to biography, asked that genuine interviews rather than mere profiles be selected for this collection, but what is most exciting about these vibrant and intellectual dialogues is Sontag’s curiosity and vitality and the glimpses we get into her life. Sontag’s erudition and brilliance may be intimidating, but her passion for thought and language is invigorating and inspiring. And it’s a pleasure to hear her speak about her education; admit, in an animated Rolling Stone interview with Jonathan Cott in 1978, that rock and roll liberated her from a sterile academic life; and describe her love of film and theater and ongoing involvement with great works of literature.”
— Donna Seaman
More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.
The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2004, all rights reserved.
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