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Home Skeptic Summary Skeptic Summary #23
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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #23

By The Staff
Posted on: 1/14/2005

Again with Babylon, Founding Fathers, textbooks, claims, mottos, predictions, festive dead critters, black (magic) Russians, and more!

Week ending January 14, 2005 (Vol 2, #2)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Forum Highlights:
Babylon the great Whore - verlch continues to show the depth and breath of his ignorance.

Madison (and others) quotes on religion - Quote mining for fun and prophet.

Science Textbooks - Ricky needs more inpuuuuut…

Editor’s Choice: The Claims List - Please suggest more!

Gezzam’s Funny: New country mottos! - No, not necessarily for new countries.

From the Archives: Dec 12 2012 The End - I predict that most predictions of this sort will be wrong.
Chat Highlights:
Wednesday’s chat was one of the biggest yet! The conversation was strange, as usual — we had (bad) music jokes and festive dead animals! The Middle East and Star Trek; California mudslides; Creaton88 wondered why we weren’t more serious; Golf; Why women don’t ever have to apologize; Sassy’s hubby reveals all… Almost; False Memory Syndrome. Next week: When the moderator’s away…
Kil’s Evil Pick:
A Little Black Magic in Russian Everyday Life
New Members this Week:

(Not a member? Become one today!)
Top Ten Search Terms for the week:
These are the terms typed into search engines which most-frequently result in a person visiting the SFN (and how many times each happened):
  1. Ponzi/PIPS investor/Bryan Marsden/pure investor/JollyPIPSTer (108 searches)
  2. creationism/evolution (62)
  3. sylvia browne 2005 prediction (45)
  4. owl on the dollar bill (37)
  5. kent hovind/Dr. Dino (34)
  6. skeptic/skeptic friends/skeptic forum (33)
  7. robert tilton fart video (31)
  8. miracle thaw (18)
  9. bible answer man/Hank Hanegraff (11)
  10. atheist (8)

Elsewhere in the World:
Bad Science

Ga. Evolution Stickers Ordered Removed

Probe is on course to blast a comet

Probe spots alien riverbeds on Saturn moon

The Skeptic’s Dictionary Newsletter 51

This just in: Plaintiffs give up in Dover

What’s New by Bob Park

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.
Book of the Week:
Little Green Men: A Novel by Christopher Buckley

“The strange land of Washington, D.C., is teeming with aliens, politicians, and other bizarre life-forms. Beltway insider and stuffy talk show host John Oliver Banion finds his privileged life turned topsy-turvy when he is abducted by aliens from his exclusive country-club golf course. When he is abducted a second time, he believes he has found his true calling and, in the most pasionate crusade of his life, demands that Congress and the White House seriously investigate the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs. Friends and family, meanwhile, urge Banion to seek therapy before his reputation is ruined for good.

A comic tour de force from ‘one of the best and surest political humorists in America’ (Los Angeles Times Book Review), Little Green Men is an uproacious comedy of manners that proves once and for all that the truth is out there. Way out there.”
— Product Description

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2005, all rights reserved.

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