Skeptic Summary #39
By The Staff
Posted on: 5/6/2005
Praying, designing, depressing, fanning, philosophizing, biting, abducting and more!
Week ending May 6, 2005 (Vol 2, #18) Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.
Forum Highlights:Here we go again - Pray for the healing of those who pray to heal.
ID’s first goal - Dembski needs to get his story straight.
Interesting Stat - And somewhat depressing, too.
Editor’s Choice: Hitchhickers Guide… - Sorry, nothing skeptical to see here, I just like the stories a whole lot. Best of March, 2005:Topic of the Month: Determinism? - Here, thar be philosophizing.
Post of the Month: Venoms and Injection Systems - When filthy is in the mood, one should just sit back and soak up the data — Ahhhhhhh… Kil’s Evil Pick:Aliens - Aliens Who Abduct Too Much, And The Abductees Who Love Them Chat Highlights:Sunday: Activity unusually low since Dr. Mabuse was at work. In the chat: the comic strip BC is BS. Comic writer shows his colours, and it is the colour of bull-end. Infidels have a poetic response. Also: computer science studies; viruses on PC and Mac; modifying Mab’s bike; observing Iridium satellite flares thanks to the Heavens-Above website.
Wednesday: the_ignored showed up again to give us the latest fundie links. This time, it’s Ken Ham’s blog! Also: those evil Texas cheerleaders; name that sci-fi film; how does Duane Gish do it?; more creationists; radio-listening habits; the miracle of the iPod; Satanic vanity plates, and cat talk (really!).
Come chat with us. New Members this Week:Sc0tt1e Donaldc mark
(Not a member? Become one today!)
Elsewhere in the World:Bad Science
Beam Me to Mars
The Physics Behind Four Amazing Demonstrations
Scientists: Fossil new dinosaur species
What’s New by Bob Park
Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them. Book of the Week:Fundamentalism: The Search for Meaning, by Malise Ruthven

“…Here is the first book to explore the real nature of secular and religious fundamentalism worldwide, highlighting the many different forms fundamentalism can take. Examining Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu sects, Malise Ruthven offers a sweeping look at this phenomenon, examining its historical, social, religious, political and ideological backgrounds and providing a critical view of the burgeoning literature on this highly diverse set of movements. Fundamentalism, he concludes, is a problematic term that defies easy definitions…”
— Book Description
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The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2005, all rights reserved.
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