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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #52

By The Staff
Posted on: 8/6/2005

ID and Bush, death and taxes, hypocrisy and date-rape, nukes and nonsense, audio and pops, bovines and pollution and more!

Week ending August 5, 2005 (Vol 2, #31)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Forum Highlights:
Bush: Intelligent design should be taught - And then he can suggest that geocentrism should be taught, also.

Death Tax - Personally, I’d much rather see the death of taxes, but you take what you can get…

Editor’s Choice: They’re at it again, but differently… - And Heaven refuses to issue a press release.

Best of July, 2005:
Topic of the Month: Nuclear power… let’s find something else!!! - But, let’s not do so because of scare tactics and incorrect facts, shall we?

Post of the Month: Let’s Analyze a Signal! - ktesibios does as much of an investigation as is possible of a recorded “paranormal” event.
Kil’s Evil Pick:
Cows Pass Cars as Polluters
Chat Highlights:
Sunday: Our Sunday chat host was on vacation, and nobody filled in.

Wednesday: Due to out-of-townness and a temporary change in sleeps habits (you know who you are) of some of our chat regulars, a few chairs were not filled. But chat was still fun. Discussed were food, physics, an EMF meter mystery, pet turtles and a few other really important topics that I can’t recall…

Come chat with us.
An Announcement:
Anyone who reads Massimo Pigliucci’s “Rationally Speaking” column through the SFN should know that he has switched to blogging, discontinuing his regular column.
New Members this Week:

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Elsewhere in the World:
Bad Science

Skepticality #14 - Interview: George Hrab and Whimsicality #7 - I Love My Car

Study: Hurricanes Getting Stronger

What’s New by Bob Park

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.
Book of the Week:
God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law, by Marci Hamilton

God vs. the Gavel challenges the pervasive assumption that all religious conduct deserves constitutional protection. While religious conduct provides many benefits to society, it is not always benign. The thesis of the book is that anyone who harms another person should be governed by the laws that govern everyone else — and truth be told, religion is capable of great harm. This may not sound like a radical proposition, but it has been under assault since the 1960s. The majority of academics and many religious organisations would construct a fortress around religious conduct that would make it extremely difficult to prosecute child abuse by clergy, medical neglect of children by faith-healers, and other socially unacceptable behaviours. This book intends to change the course of the public debate over religion by bringing to the public’s attention the tactics of religious entities to avoid the law and therefore harm others.”

— Book Description

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2005, all rights reserved.

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