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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #92

By The Staff
Posted on: 5/20/2006

9/11 again, Robertson again, that damn monkey again, conspiracies again and more!

Week ending May 20, 2006 (Vol 3, #19)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Forum Highlights:
Anyone for 9/11? - verlch will be verlch.

More Robertson-God Predictions - If you can call ’em that…

Editor’s Choice: New monkey species found - Enshrined here ’cause he got me.
Kil’s Evil Pick:
Conspiracy Theories - Thought this would be a good time to look at why conspiracy theories are so attractive to some people. This Wikipedia article is as good as any that I have found…
Chat Highlights:
Sunday: An unusually slow chat started out with: Is Windows improving? Posting styles; naming Siberia’s software project; horses doing the jig; curling is advanced training for shuffleboard; playing polo.

Wednesday: New software, freethought groups such as the American Humanist Association and the Center For Inquiry were discussed. Blogger Ze Frank came up and that, of course, was followed by Ze Puns. The SFN member meet up in Washington, DC was kicked around a bit. Some boring technical talk and more thought on good freethinking group names were considered. (It’s still pretty much unanimous: no one likes the name “Brights.”) Everyone got tired and abandoned Ricky, who had taken a nap to stay up late for chat…

Come chat with us.
New Members Last Week:

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Elsewhere in the World:
Bad Science

Sold: Elvis Presley’s house goes for $905,100

What’s New by Bob Park

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.
Book of the Week:
Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, by Michelle Goldberg.

“In an impressive piece of lucid journalism, reporter Goldberg dives into the religious right and sorts out the history and networks of what to most liberals is an inscrutable parallel universe… This carefully researched and riveting treatise will hardly allay its audience’s fears, [and] secular liberals and mainstream believers alike will find Goldberg’s descriptions of today’s culture wars deeply disturbing. She traces the deep financial and ideological ties between fundamentalist Christians and the Republican Party, and discloses the dangers she believes are inherent to the Bush administration’s faith-based social services initiative. Other chapters follow inflammatory political tactics on wedge issues like gay rights, evolution and sex education… Her book is a potent wakeup call to pluralists in the coming showdown with Christian nationalists.”

— Publisher’s Weekly

This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:
Forum Topics:
  1. Fundamentalists HATE Noah’s Ark! (1332 views)
  2. Anyone for 9/11? (449 views)
  3. Bush breaks over 750 laws (446 views)
  4. Another transitional fossil… (266 views)
  5. Could this be xmas in May??? (202 views)
  6. John Dean & Daniel Ellsberg on Abuse of Power (193 views)
  7. More Robertson-God Predictions (166 views)
  8. Was the human-chimp split a messy divorce? (155 views)
  9. Evolution and the Purpose of Life (145 views)
  10. Living will and other arrangements (143 views)
  1. Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (83 views)
  2. Cold Reading (51 views)
  3. Why Do Creationists Fear Evolution? (42 views)
  4. Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (41 views)
  5. Evolution, Scientology Style (35 views)
  6. Evidence Cited as Hard Proof of the Existence of Satanic Cults (34 views)
  7. Skeptic Summary #91 (34 views)
  8. The Bible Answer Man (29 views)
  9. Miracle Thaw Tray (28 views)
  10. You’re an Idiot (25 views)

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2006, all rights reserved.

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