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Skeptic Summary #112

By The Staff
Posted on: 10/7/2006

Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, skeptical help, conspiracies and more!

Week ending October 7, 2006 (Vol 3, #39)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Special Announcement:
The SFN would like to send Kil back to the Amaz!ing Meeting next January, and you can help!
Forum Highlights:
A special two-fers week:

Large bones found! Creation proved true! and White House built on lot 666 - verlch is back, and many of us were missing his particular… uh… style.

The physics behind the collapses and NIST report deserves skepticism - The “Twin Topics” of unscientific thinking; how long will it take them to collapse?

War on evolution has a price and The state of research on ID - Religious fundamentalism continues to ruin America.

Editor’s Choice: Civis romanus sum and Our favorite hate monger - A new member and an old friend, respectively, helping us be skeptical.
Kil’s Evil Pick:
Conspiracy theory, from Wikipedia - This is a very good overview of conspiracy theories and the mindset that promotes them. A look at conspiracy theories seems somehow appropriate for this week’s pick.
Chat Highlights:
Sunday: The greatest secret of the last two thousand years; how a bar-room brawl can end a political carreer; making Kil’s girlfriend Michelle an Angels fan? The greateness of Spīnal Tap; a mathematical problem; love/hate relationship with Microsoft software; a chat-member’s age revealed.

Wednesday: The night started with the history of computers: the mouse, Altair 8800, Computer Sketchpad, Apple 1 and the first Mac. It was only a matter of time before mice puns started. Then, Jimmy Cagney, Cagney and Lacey, as well as how the Send Kil to TAM5 fund is going. Roberston, FOX News, and other US natural disasters were discussed next. Boron10 joined, and the Navy/armed forces puns took off. Then onto the upcoming elections and talk about a few current threads, which ended out the night.

Come chat with us.
New Members This Week:
Master Yoda

(Not a member? Become one today!)

Elsewhere in the World:
Bad Science

Skeptic’s Dictionary Newsletter 71

What’s New by Bob Park

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.
Book of the Week:
Teach Your Child Science: Making Science Fun for the Both of You, by Michael Shermer.

“An exciting book of discovery, Teach Your Child Science introduces such subjects as physics, geology, and biology in terms that parents can easily share with their children.”

— Book Description

This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:
Forum Topics:
  1. The physics behind the collapses (1,626 views)
  2. Olbermann kicks major ass on MSNBC (690 views)
  3. Caesar’s Messiah (Part 2) (571 views)
  4. War on evolution has a price (437 views)
  5. Congressman Foley resigns amid email questions (426 views)
  6. Oct 5, World Can’t Wait massive protest event (417 views)
  7. NIST report deserves skepticism (281 views)
  8. White House built on lot 666 (251 views)
  9. EEStor’s storage capacitor: breakthru or baloney? (236 views)
  10. The state of research on ID (221 views)
  1. Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (78 views)
  2. Cold Reading (75 views)
  3. Skeptic Summary #39 (54 views)
  4. Skeptic Summary #75 (51 views)
  5. Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (48 views)
  6. The Bible Answer Man (46 views)
  7. Spam Scams and Slams (39 views)
  8. Miracle Thaw Tray (38 views)
  9. Skeptic Summary #111 (37 views)
  10. The Bible’s Bad Fruits (36 views)
There were 4,462 daily visitors this week.
September’s Most-Viewed Pages:
Forum Topics:
  1. Caesar’s Messiah (Part 2) (2,332 views)
  2. Ann Coulter’s book: Godless (2,096 views)
  3. Caesar’s Messiah (1,655 views)
  4. Surface of the Sun (part 12) (1,651 views)
  5. Surface of the Sun (part 11) (1,419 views)
  6. ABC’s ‘Path To 9/11’ (1,264 views)
  7. Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin killed by stingray (1,118 views)
  8. Olbermann kicks major ass on MSNBC (1,074 views)
  9. My bad BAUT experience (657 views)
  10. EEStor’s storage capacitor: breakthru or baloney? (645 views)
  11. Two priests and a lost bicycle (600 views)
  12. The water cooler (578 views)
  13. Should we be concerned about the Global Mission? (566 views)
  14. Octopus vs. shark (video) (550 views)
  15. Mirrors — harmful? (499 views)
  16. B17 (492 views)
  17. Mount St. Helens spewed more CO2 (489 views)
  18. Having the last word: a simple contest (427 views)
  19. Owl on the dollar bill… (407 views)
  20. Atheist Heaven (400 views)
  1. Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (345 views)
  2. Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (316 views)
  3. Cold Reading (257 views)
  4. Why Do Creationists Fear Evolution? (162 views)
  5. Miracle Thaw Tray (154 views)
  6. Skeptic Summary #39 (153 views)
  7. Dr. Dino doesn’t like our Jack Chick spoof! (137 views)
  8. The Bible Answer Man (128 views)
  9. You’re an Idiot (118 views)
  10. The Bible’s Bad Fruits (115 views)
  11. Evidence Cited as Hard Proof of the Existence of Satanic Cults (107 views)
  12. Preaching that Anti-Evolution Propaganda (102 views)
  13. Tommy Debates the Bible Answer man (91 views)
  14. Evolution, Scientology Style (89 views)
  15. The Laundry Solution (87 views)
  16. Scientific Truth (81 views)
  17. New Conspiracy Theories (71 views)
  18. Spam Scams and Slams (68 views)
  19. The Biblical support for a Flat Earth and Geocentricism (68 views)
  20. Darwinism: Sorcery in the Classroom (62 views)
There were 18,038 daily visitors in September.

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2006, all rights reserved.

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