Skeptic Summary #113
By The Staff
Posted on: 10/14/2006
Korea, being clear, truth, abortion, 9/11 war and more!
Week ending October 14, 2006 (Vol 3, #40) Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.
Special Announcement:The SFN would like to send Kil back to the Amaz!ing Meeting next January, and you can help! Forum Highlights:
Ah, North Korea brings us all together… - But whose fault is it?
Just to be clear… - Or vague, as the case may be.[/url]
Editor’s Choice: The truth about everything - No, really!
From the Archives: When it comes to abortion, why take a chance - creation88 opens up a can of worms. Kil’s Evil Pick:“9/11 conspiracies: the war on critical thinking,” by Robert Todd Carroll - I know, I picked something like this last week, but this perspective by Robert Carroll of the Skeptic’s Dictionary could be a valuable lesson on how to use critical thinking in the face of an extraordinary claim. I highly recommend reading his take on the 9/11 conspiracy theory. Chat Highlights:Sunday: Murphy’s Rules; comb-sort or quick-sort? Satanic lyrics of a black metal band interesting; who were which animals in their former lives? More C++ programming; chocolate on pizza.
Wednesday: (By Kil) I, once again, stepped into the breach. I wouldn’t say it was a fast night, half our regular chatters being out of town and all, but I did have a nice conversation with new member Neurosis on critical thinking. We (and I use the word “we” loosely) had an in-depth talk about hot dogs and how the surrounding ambiance (baseball games) determines how good they taste. I believe the subject of hot dogs has been too long neglected by us skeptics. We also solved most of the world’s problems, by the way…
Come chat with us. New Members This Week:Seasoned Wolfsong mariamiba kwaussi Jazz2006 funlover tripper89
(Not a member? Become one today!)
Elsewhere in the World:Bad Science
Bursting the Spherical Bubble: Universe Might Be Pill-Shaped
Climate change inaction will cost trillions: study
Skepticality #035 — Interview: Chris Wisnia and Skepticality #036 — Interview: Jim Ottaviani
What’s New by Bob Park
Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them. Book of the Week:The Mask of Nostradamus: the Prophecies of the World’s Most Famous Seer, by James Randi.

“Randi proves to me once again what a true sceptic is. Instead of just believing common folklore Randi does research on the times and the area where Nostradamus lived, about Nostradamus’ life during those times including correspondence he had with his clients, and then goes about showing what the most likely meaning of some of the most famous quatrains really are refering to. The truth is illuminating and it put to rest questions I’ve had about Nostradamus. A fascinating read.”
— Ales Soudek
This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:Forum Topics:- Just to be clear… (1,393 views)
- NIST report deserves skepticism (1,189 views)
- Oct 5, World Can’t Wait massive protest event (752 views)
- Caesar’s Messiah (part 3) (678 views)
- Ah, North Korea brings us all together… (492 views)
- Fence-Sitting (256 views)
- The truth about everything (253 views)
- Is the House page scandal spreading? (236 views)
- The physics behind the collapses (218 views)
- Our favorite hate monger (199 views)
Articles:- Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (83 views)
- Cold Reading (76 views)
- Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (66 views)
- Skeptic Summary #39 (48 views)
- Spam Scams and Slams (47 views)
- Skeptic Summary #112 (47 views)
- Miracle Thaw Tray (43 views)
- The Bible’s Bad Fruits (36 views)
- The Bible Answer Man (35 views)
- Preaching that Anti-Evolution Propaganda (32 views)
There were 4,345 daily visitors this week.
More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.
The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2006, all rights reserved.
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