Skeptic Summary #126
By The Staff
Posted on: 1/21/2007
Hovind goes to prison, flying cars vanish, God goes to YouTube, believers become crazier, quacks become visible and more!
Week ending January 20, 2007 (Vol 4, #3) Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.
Forum Highlights:Evangelist arrested on tax evasion… guess who! - Updated with news of Hovind’s sentencing.
Flying cars stifled by politics, politics, and war - Is it comedy, or a lack of medication?
Mr. Deity - Funny stuff.
Editor’s Choice: The religiously insane become yet insanier… - Except they didn’t, until GK Paul showed up and proved he had. Kil’s Evil Pick:Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks and Vitamin Pushers - This is fun… Chat Highlights:Sunday: Chat-announcement thread readers in decline; Skepticality Forum is finally working again under a new host and temporarily a different address; remembering passwords can be a chore; different board games; Mastermind; going to TAM; NFL playoffs; other physical sports; the NFL-game; the Pats vs. the Chargers; sports commentators; the NFL-game.
Wednesday: The night started off with the horrible singers on American Idol, and just kept on going. Many music styles were discussed, such as Randy Newman, Queen, and the Clash. Also, music videos were shared, courtesy of YouTube. One worth mentioning was from the Tom Tom Club, only because I can’t make it through the entire thing without bursting out in laughter. Boron10 briefly entered chat and Navy puns surfaced, although they receded just as quickly as they came. Chat got back on course finally with Kil trying to figure out what to pack for his trip to TAM5, as well as some flight tips from Dave W., which ended out the night.
Come chat with us. New Members This Week:ganesh cenesdelavega Freethinker brad_religion
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Elsewhere in the World:Bad Science
A Mission to Convert
Offerings to a Stone Snake Provide the Earliest Evidence of Religion
Skepticality #044 — Michael A. Stackpole
What’s New by Bob Park
Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them. Book of the Week:Cosmos, by Carl Sagan.

“This visually stunning book with over 250 full-color illustrations, many of them never before published, is based on Carl Sagan’s thirteen-part television series. Told with Sagan’s remarkable ability to make scientific ideas both comprehensible and exciting, Cosmos is about science in its broadest human context, how science and civilization grew up together.
The book also explores spacecraft missions of discovery of the nearby planets, the research in the Library of ancient Alexandria, the human brain, Egyptian hieroglyphics, the origin of life, the death of the Sun, the evolution of galaxies and the origins of matter, suns and worlds.
Sagan retraces the fifteen billion years of cosmic evolution that have transformed matter into life and consciousness, enabling the cosmos to wonder about itself. He considers the latest findings on life elsewhere and how we might communicate with the beings of other worlds.
Cosmos is the story of our long journey of discovery and the forces and individuals who helped to shape modern science, including Democritus, Hypatia, Kepler, Newton, Huygens, Champollion, Lowell and Humason. Sagan looks at our planet from an extraterrestrial vantage point and sees a blue jewel-like world, inhabited by a lifeform that is just beginning to discover its own unity and to venture into the vast ocean of space.”
— Book Description
This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:Forum Topics:- That ‘One God’ thingy, them Jewish folk & more (790 views)
- Big Bang (part 2) (515 views)
- Ken Ham: the NEW atheists are coming… (435 views)
- Are skepticism and Buddhism compatible? (Part 2) (397 views)
- Flying cars stifled by politics, politics, and war (389 views)
- The religiously insane become yet insanier… (302 views)
- Psoriasis (288 views)
- We have invaded Iran (272 views)
- Cuddly symbiosis (257 views)
- Owl on the dollar bill… (222 views)
Articles:- Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (114 views)
- Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (70 views)
- Cold Reading (70 views)
- Miracle Thaw Tray (47 views)
- Why Do Creationists Fear Evolution? (42 views)
- The Bible’s Bad Fruits (41 views)
- The Bible Answer Man (36 views)
- Tommy Debates the Bible Answer man (34 views)
- Evolution, Scientology Style (31 views)
- Skeptic Summary #125 (31 views)
There were 4,981 daily visitors this week.
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The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2007, all rights reserved.
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