Skeptic Summary #153
By The Staff
Posted on: 8/18/2007
God's wrong, the inexplicable, fossils, job offers, Noah's Ark, science reporting and more!
Week ending August 18, 2007 (Vol 4, #30) Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.
Forum Highlights:Can the Christian God get anything right? - Depends on who you ask…
Cat on the gable roof - Catcha-whatcha-huh?
Fossils challenge linear evolution - Except evolution isn’t linear.
Editor’s Choice: SFN store ideas… - We really are looking for someone to handle the artwork around here. New Article this Week:Fundamentalists Hate Noah’s Ark - The story of Noah and the Ark leaves much to be desired, from many different fields of knowledge. Kil’s Evil Pick:“Scientific Illiteracy in the Press” - I know it’s shocking, but sometimes the press has no clue about what it is reporting. This article is more then ten years old, and not much has changed… Chat Highlights:Sunday: Testing chat flood control (better than the Levies in New Orleans); more than 14,000 views on SFN’s most-popular thread; Dr. Mabuse’s Dragon*Con fundraiser just passed $1,000. Reminiscing long “lost” friends (folks no longer active); skepticism and religion; Jebus was a town; what is Blasphemy; Camp Quest, and Stephen Colbert.
Wednesday: First up was talk of Mooner’s recent thread on Moonscape News. Then trouble troubleshooting computers, the difference between Office and XP, and other funny stories from Rinkworks. It was realized during chat that Skepticality members out numbered the SFNers, quite possibly for the first time. Halfmooner drops by for a quick hello and to solidify the idea behind this Moonscape report. A quick recap of some of the ridiculous posts here over the years and Faux News finished off the night.
Come chat with us. New Members This Week:Talisman recurve boy Yojimbo99
(Not a member? Become one today!)
Elsewhere in the World:The Skeptic’s Dictionary Newsletter 82
The true origin of “intelligent design”
What Are the Best Scientists Working On?
What’s New by Bob Park
Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them. Book of the Week:The Skeptic’s Dictionary: a Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions, by Robert Todd Carroll.

“Featuring close to 400 definitions, arguments, and essays on topics ranging from acupuncture to zombies, The Skeptic’s Dictionary is a lively, commonsense trove of detailed information on all things supernatural, occult, paranormal, and pseudoscientific. It covers such categories as alternative medicine; cryptozoology; extraterrestrials and UFOs; frauds and hoaxes; junk science; logic and perception; New Age energy; and the psychic. For the open-minded seeker, the soft or hardened skeptic, and the believing doubter, this book offers a remarkable range of information that puts to the test the best arguments of true believers.”
— Book Description
This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:Forum Topics:- Opinions regarding select UFO sightings (953 views)
- Texas mega-church reneges on funeral offer (484 views)
- Can the Christian God get anything right? (456 views)
- Four reasons to believe in God (305 views)
- Olympic myth? (280 views)
- Theistic and deistic skeptics (260 views)
- SFN store ideas… (237 views)
- Troll? (206 views)
- Karl Rove resigns! (178 views)
- Bridge collapse explained by Phelps (156 views)
Articles:- Evolving a Venom or Two (460 views)
- Skeptic Summary #152 (90 views)
- Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (74 views)
- Cold Reading (60 views)
- Fundamentalists Hate Noah’s Ark (54 views)
- Evidence Cited as Hard Proof of the Existence of Satanic Cults (49 views)
- Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (43 views)
- TAM4 (37 views)
- The Bible’s Bad Fruits (33 views)
- Miracle Thaw Tray (32 views)
There were 4,837 daily visitors this week. More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.
The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2007, all rights reserved.
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