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Skeptic Summary

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Skeptic Summary #204

By The Staff
Posted on: 9/7/2008

Chick vampirism, Darwinian idol, same-old stuff, Speedy McSpeederson, science at this moment and more!

Week ending September 06, 2008 (Vol 5, #32)

Welcome to the Skeptic Summary, a quick week-in-review guide to the Skeptic Friends Network and the rest of the skeptical world.

Forum Highlights:
Best Chick tract ever! - I vant to suck your stupid.

Evolutionists flock to Darwin-shaped wall stain - Because they’re all loons, no doubt.

No surprise in St. Paul - Four more years! Four more years!

Editor’s Choice: I found this to be accelerating - I feel the need…

This Week’s Poll:
Ready to rumble, the second semi-final - It’s okay if you voted in the first one - please vote again!

Kil’s Evil Pick:
Nova Science Now - This great PBS series, hosted by Neil deGgrasse Tyson, is available online. So if you have never seen the show, or missed an episode or several, here they are. I just finished watching Leeches on the site when it occurred to me that maybe not everyone knows that all of the past episodes are available for viewing. So click the little “Neil” clip on the main page for instructions and happy viewing!

There are 1011 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it’s only a hundred billion. It’s less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.
— Richard Feynman

Chat Highlights:
Sunday: Our Sunday chat host is on vacation.

Wednesday: The night began with the most recent poll going up, debating who the possible contenders should be. Last Wednesday also happened to be the night that Sara Palin gave a speech at the RNC, which occurred during chat time. This of course meant that politics was on the list of things to discuss, most notably what the hell the Republicans were thinking with Palin as a nomination. Bad jokes and puns took over, as well as some not-so-work-safe pictures of Kari Byron, and presidential hopefuls. It was at this time that I ended up falling asleep on my keyboard, but chat went on until almost 2 AM (EST).

Come chat with us.

New Members This Week:
Gary 7.1

(Not a member? Become one today!)

Elsewhere in the World:
The Bells of St. Mary: No “Under God” in Pledge of Allegiance

CERN fires up new atom smasher to near Big Bang

Darwin movie in the works?


Looking for Dr. 900

The Skeptic’s Dictionary Newsletter #95

Strongest Storms Grow Stronger Yet, Study Says

What’s New by Bob Park

Got some skeptic news items? Send them to us, and we’ll think about adding them.

Book of the Week:
Bad Medicine: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Distance Healing to Vitamin O, by Christopher Wanjek.

“Prehistoric humans believed cedar ashes and incantations could cure a head injury. Ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the center of thought, the liver produced blood, and the brain cooled the body. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates was a big fan of bloodletting. Today, we are still plagued by countless medical myths and misconceptions. Bad Medicine sets the record straight by debunking widely held yet incorrect notions of how the body works, from cold cures to vaccination fears… Protect yourself and the ones you love from bad medicine — the brain you save may be your own.”

— Product Description

This Week’s Most-Viewed Pages:
Forum Topics:
  1. A look at modern magnetic therapy (788 views)
  2. Oh ye gods! (763 views)
  3. Possum on the half shell (659 views)
  4. Ready to rumble! (557 views)
  5. What is photorealism? (363 views)
  6. No surprise in St. Paul (361 views)
  7. BlackLight Power Inc.: too good to be true? (359 views)
  8. Fun with Anagrams (278 views)
  9. Beelzebufo ampinga (239 views)
  10. 2008 Psychic Contest, enter by Feb 1st 2008! (238 views)
  1. Fundamentalists Hate Noah’s Ark (1,602 views)
  2. Evolving a Venom or Two (342 views)
  3. Preaching that Anti-Evolution Propaganda (335 views)
  4. Is the Speed of Light Slowing Down? (293 views)
  5. Evolution is a Lie, and you Skeptics KNOW it! Part 4 (236 views)
  6. Skeptic Summary #152 (228 views)
  7. More on the Polonium 218 Controversy (187 views)
  8. The Biblical support for a Flat Earth and Geocentricism (172 views)
  9. Questioning the Validity of False Memory Syndrome (135 views)
  10. Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (126 views)
There were 24,896 daily visitors this week.
Last Month’s Most-Viewed Pages:
Forum Topics:
  1. PZ expelled from Expelled — Dawkins slips in! (23,574 views)
  2. Ready to rumble! (13,065 views)
  3. Possum on the half shell (2,113 views)
  4. NASA doctors photos from Mars (2,014 views)
  5. Stop laughing, dammit! This is serious shit! (1,547 views)
  6. A Christian (Catholic) sense of proportion… (1,066 views)
  7. What is photorealism? (1,030 views)
  8. Crop circles again… (1,003 views)
  9. Debating religious types, good and bad arguments (893 views)
  10. Shirley Maclaine & Kevin Ryerson (871 views)
  11. Obama vs McCain at Lake Forest (722 views)
  12. Beelzebufo ampinga (671 views)
  13. BlackLight Power Inc.: too good to be true? (630 views)
  14. LiLo (Behe) is back! (557 views)
  15. Conscious Life Expo (544 views)
  16. Free markets? (533 views)
  17. Caesar’s Messiah by Joseph Atwill (518 views)
  18. I don’t understand how this will help (493 views)
  19. Why Do Creationists Fear Evolution? (477 views)
  20. creation/evolution (465 views)
  1. Evolving a Venom or Two (5,745 views)
  2. Fundamentalists Hate Noah’s Ark (4,649 views)
  3. Skeptic Summary #152 (692 views)
  4. Preaching that Anti-Evolution Propaganda (624 views)
  5. Is the Speed of Light Slowing Down? (540 views)
  6. Evolution is a Lie, and you Skeptics KNOW it! Part 4 (475 views)
  7. Miracle Thaw — The Bogus Miracle (448 views)
  8. More on the Polonium 218 Controversy (401 views)
  9. The Biblical support for a Flat Earth and Geocentricism (351 views)
  10. The Bible’s Bad Fruits (308 views)
  11. Evidence Cited as Hard Proof of the Existence of Satanic Cults (279 views)
  12. Questioning the Validity of False Memory Syndrome (277 views)
  13. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Argument Weak on Both Sides (272 views)
  14. Miracle Thaw Tray (226 views)
  15. Cold Reading (215 views)
  16. Bible’s Bad Fruits a Cheap Shot (192 views)
  17. Evolution, Scientology Style (185 views)
  18. Evolution is a Lie, and you Skeptics KNOW it! (172 views)
  19. Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (155 views)
  20. The War of the Words: Revamping Operational Terminology for UFOs (153 views)
There were 86,863 daily visitors in August, 2008.

More issues of the Skeptic Summary can be found in our archive.

The Skeptic Summary is produced by the staff of the Skeptic Friends Network, copyright 2008, all rights reserved.

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