Alleged Alien Abductee Not Responsible for Suicides
By Anonymous
Posted on: 4/24/2002
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Regarding Kil's "Crown Books" Report
Whether what happened to Whitley Strieber be true or not, you are not to judge oneself by simply stating the simplest explination, or not including slight details like how he believed that the cult members were crazy and misled, he did not say anything supporting them in the least, but according to the structure of your BS article you sure make it seem like this man is crazy and he supports cults and all that non-sense, why don't you actually do some frickin research before you publish crap like that.
Kil Responds
I was going to answer this letter sentence by sentence until I noticed that it's all one sentence...... Anyway, I never said that Strieber endorsed the cult or the actions of cult in question or any other cult for that matter. I didn't infer it either. He did suggest, on a national radio show, that an alien spaceship was following the Hale Bop comet (as if that isn't crazy). Because of that comment and Strieber's completely undeserved credibility as an alien abductee, those idiot cult members did rush to there deaths with the idea of boarding that spacecraft. Like it or not Strieber contributed their early demise. He gave them a sign. (Not that they wouldn't have killed themselves eventually anyway, since they were waiting for just such a sign.) Also, I'm not suggesting that he be arrested for murder. He can't be held responsible (entirely) for people even nuttier then he is. As for Strieber being crazy, my guess is he is a victim of "False Memory Syndrome" brought on by the mostly discredited hypnotherapy he went through. "Recovered Memory Therapy" is quack therapy that has led to many ruined lives. False UFO abduction memories are, in my view, rather benign when compared to the damage these therapies have done to people who have remembered being victims of, for example, rapes that never occurred...... Also, It is the Kil Report and I'm Kil so I get to write any crap I want too.
Kil (David Glück)
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