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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2002 :  22:47:17  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message
There's a new creationist book coming out, see excerpts from it at this site:

It has some old, refuted stuff, (Moab Man--not mentioned by name), but it has some new stuff which you can see on that page:
1. picture of "fossilized human finger"
2. picture of "hand print" in stone, etc.
3. picture of and claim that a cross-section of the "Burdick Print" has shown it to be not a carving.

Anyone know of these things?
P.S. I'll be going to the "" site to try and check some of this stuff out. Some, such as the accusation made against a "skeptic" who was supposed to have busted up a Paluxy Print is already on TalkOrigins (it's referring to Glen Kuban who discussed that "non-incident" somewhere on TalkOrigins site.

Skeptic Friend

284 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2002 :  11:46:33   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Espritch's Homepage Send Espritch a Private Message
Well, I haven't seen the book but I would be surprized if any of the arguments were anything really new. Creationists have a habit of just recycling the same worn out arguments in a new guise. There's been a lot of talk about how "Intelligent Design" gives the creationists scientific respectability, but it's really nothing but a rehash of the the old watch maker argument on a molecular level and just as flawed.

P.S. Good avatar choice. You're obviously a handsome devil like myself

Edited by - espritch on 05/18/2002 11:50:55
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Skeptic Friend

312 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  08:25:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Mespo_man a Private Message
but it's really nothing but a rehash of the the old watch maker argument on a molecular level and just as flawed.[Espritch]

Enlighten me, Espritch

What's the watchmaker argument? And how do I read a watch face at the molecular level without an electron microscope?

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Skeptic Friend

61 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  16:39:47   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send jec96 a Private Message
Mespo, the best way is to get a hold of "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins. basically the argument goes, as it takes intelligence to design a watch, so the same for life. Dawkins pulls that one apart pretty well I think.

-It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 05/21/2002 :  17:38:55   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Espritch's Homepage Send Espritch a Private Message
And how do I read a watch face at the molecular level without an electron microscope?

What you do is, you get a really big telescope, and then you look through the other end

As far as the watch maker argument goes, Jec96 summed it up pretty nicely.

Edited by - espritch on 05/21/2002 17:40:24
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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2002 :  22:06:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message
Well, I haven't seen the book but I would be surprized if any of the arguments were anything really new. Creationists have a habit of just recycling the same worn out arguments in a new guise.

You were right. Many of the stuff on Peterson's site can be refuted here:

note that Peterson had said that the claim that the "Burdick Print" is a fake has been falsified. Yet Kuban points out (somewhere on his site) that YEC Kurt Wise helped show that it IS a fake.

Even more interesting, the claims in Petersons book (to be released this June) have a LOT of recycled (but dressed-up) material from his original 1990 release of that same book! (alright, I know it's not a surprise to you, but humor me)

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