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Posted - 06/21/2002 :  05:20:43  Show Profile Send lil_devil a Private Message
Hello everyone..thanks for your support!

I am new to skeptic websites, but i actually became a global skeptic on so many matters after hard lessons and knocking my face on closed doors and non-sens things that relied on placebo fantasies, and lying to myself,
my fantasy world took a nasty dive from forced deception and brutal experiences, and since i was the type to beleive anything one would throw at me, it was pretty dammaging
to my ego, i had a mary poppins mind..
but life has shown me that it wasent like that.... i went through much loss
pain BUT i thought psychics where
the answer to all of world ills! tssss..
i found out the hard and expensive way!
But a lesson i just had to learn
i guess... things make way more sense to me today then back when though.

Response to Slater: Hi Slater :) The reasons i went to these people and tried this stuff
was because the first 2 doctors i had met
had given me 5 types of pills that that dident cut it for my pain, they where of the anti-inflamatory type and dident work so good! and i was getting agressive (from the pain) and desperate, i thought nothing would work.. and so i tryed newage poop-pushers ..but in my bad luck rebound,
i found had found a really caring doctor who told me we were going to try different protocols and also injections until i was well ,The injections almost made me pass out in weakness but they where so relaxing
and i havent had any since.
This is why i was offering to find the meds
for anyone with migraines, the name of the meds are on my hospital records.
it was a miracle for me, and i wanted to help
anyone who needs help with this
and prevent desperate ppl from losing money
and getting brainwashed as i did.

i also found homeopathy and herbs and so many vitamins (except for 3 kinds that have worked to some extent) to be useless (to me anyhow)
or as effective as a placebo!
but wait i spent over 4000$ in 2 years
for this in hopes of allergy relief!
i actually even poisoned myself with a herbal
supplement that is well know but
not well documented obviously.
Needless to say people are placebo peddlers
or sell pure junk with a claim and a wink.
thank goodness for rational
All these snake oil people
rely on believers its sickening how information is pushed, falsified,
used against people, in everyday life from tv news,politics , so called public statistic
polls ,the web,newspapers

lets stay sane!
take care you all!

sorry for the typos if i got any :P


ummkay do you believe in this and that?
hmm BELIEVE has the word LIE in it :P

SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2002 :  08:43:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Howdy, Li'l D, and welcome!

I see what you're saying and, as a disabled veteran, can understand (wrecked spine, but not paraplegic. I've had 2 fusions and am now blessed with bone spurs in the miserable thing).

What you must ask yourself regarding a cure that sounds unlikely is: Why is this not mainstream medicine? After all, the docs WANT you to feel better, not worse. Dig it, if you croak or become incapacitated, they've failed. Nobody glorfies failure except polititions.

Re. psychics: They're a lot of fun to a skeptic. We land on them fast and hard. I, for one, miss the nonsense of Miss Cleo, even though she's ripped off an entire population of the chronically gullible. Now, we're stuck with John Edward, no less a charleton, but not nearly as entertaining.

When dealing with a physic, ask why the clown hasn't relieved James Randi of the burden of his million dollars. It's been up for grabs for a pretty good while now. Or, failing that, how come it is that he/she is working for chump change when the Powerball Lottery can be had for no more effort than divining a few numbers.

Anyhow, take 3 asprins with a shot of bourbon and again, welcone to SFN


Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy, not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it.... Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory.
-- Rev. Jimmy Swaggart (source unknown)

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SFN Regular

1668 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2002 :  08:47:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Slater a Private Message
You might want to give Robert Park's book Voodoo Science---The Road from Foolishness to Fraud a read

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations. ---Thomas Henry Huxley, 1860
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Posted - 06/25/2002 :  17:27:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send lil_devil a Private Message
Anyhow, take 3 asprins with a shot of bourbon and again, welcone to SFN

hi filthy!! thanks buddy
by the way how is your spine now?
any improvements?

take care

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New Member

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Posted - 06/25/2002 :  17:28:33   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send lil_devil a Private Message
thanks slater ;-)

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