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 Pat Robertson strikes (out) again!
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2002 :  14:01:56  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
From James Randl's site:

Let's look at the science of physics according to a guy who a few years ago wanted to be president of the USA. He was asked, "Why is the sky blue?" Here's his lesson in optics:

I think the sky is blue because it's a shift from black through purple to blue, and it has to do with where the light is. You know, the farther we get into darkness, and there's a shifting of color of light into the blueness, and I think as you go farther and farther away from the reflected light we have from the sun or the light that's bouncing off this earth, uh, the darker it gets . . . I think if you look at the color scale, you start at black, move it through purple, move it on out, it's the shifting of color. We mentioned before about the stars singing, and that's one of the effects of the shifting of colors.

On my scale of marking papers, that's not even a "D." It's somewhere around a "W." And who gave us these wise words? None other than Pat Robertson, of The 700 Club. Now, as to that burning question of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, it all depends on the size of the angels and the pin, you see, and what "dancing" really is. No, not lap dancing, nor any of that other nasty body-contact stuff like the waltz, of course.....

Our thanks to James McGaha for bringing this to our attention.


On an unrelated matter, how come the font got so tiny, all off a sudden? I can barely see it (my eye's ain't whut they wuz a while back).


Religion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art.
-- Ezra Pound

SFN Regular

842 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2002 :  06:11:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send ljbrs a Private Message
There evidently is no problem, because Pat Robertson's followers are equally ignorant. When somebody as ignorant as he becomes president (which is a present concern), all scientific theories and laws could be temporarily discarded.

Then again, perhaps Pat Robertson's God turns on a blue light to make the sky blue (as in the joke about a man who wanted a blue suit and the salesperson asks to have somebody *turn on the blue light*).


"Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error." Goethe
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