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 "A.I. " is an intriguing movie....
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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 06/30/2001 :  00:34:34  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message


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Posted - 06/30/2001 :  01:38:45   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
Thanks for the revue rubysue! Yours was probably the most interesting I have seen regarding that movie.

I wouldn't worry about someone slamming you for an opinion on this. Almost everyone that frequents this board seem respectful and (gosh darn it!) nice.

I have a feeling that if anyone tried to do that to you you would see plenty of support here. Of course, if I see a crude pot shot, I will simply delete it. I encourage folks to report this.


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SFN Addict

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Posted - 06/30/2001 :  22:37:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Snake's Homepage  Send Snake an ICQ Message  Send Snake a Yahoo! Message Send Snake a Private Message

Thanks for the revue rubysue! Yours was probably the most interesting I have seen regarding that movie.

I wouldn't worry about someone slamming you for an opinion on this. Almost everyone that frequents this board seem respectful and (gosh darn it!) nice.

If by slamming you mean say something nasty, I don't know why anyone would do that to someone just for giving an opinion of a movie....that would be strange.
My 'room mate(the younger)' just saw 'Artifical Intelligence' last night. From the trailers I've seen on TV, it didn't look like anything I would want to see. Although I really like Speilburg and have seen most of what he's done over the years. 'The Goonies' being one of my favorites and I also have a hat that looks just like Indy's. That aside, my room mate said he didn't like it, so I don't think I will make a point to see it. I never read reviews, just once in a great while will watch Roger Ebert on TV and his new partner. But only to see what a movie is about not to know if THEY like it. I do trust my room mates opinion though. Other then that I go by what is advertized. And these ads really didn't make one want to rush out to see it.

''You are poised in the moment between thought and result. Put your dollar in the machine or get out of the casino.''
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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  13:53:30   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message
Forgive my pessimistic viewpoint about the intentions of others when I posted this item. I have been getting a little frustrated with an individual over on another thread. He used foul language and casually dismissed my careful and objective research into an opinion as total garbage, but then turned around and accused me of ad hominem arguments, so I'm feeling a little tired of this right now (and I've always been a little oversensitive to other's opinions). I've not posted on BBs for very long and still consider this a strange activity, having discussions with total strangers and trying to derive meaning from their cryptic comments.

Back to "A.I.": The initial public buzz on this movie is clearly divided. I liked it and thought it was thought-provoking, but the nasty flamewars were immediately evident at the Dreamworks site (among others). Folks either really like this movie or they absolutely hate it, with no in-between viewpoints. I consider it to be one of the most unique movies ever done by Spielberg and I'm still thinking about it today, almost 48 hours later (one test of a movie's relative impact). I guess I made that comment about the danger of an opinion when I made my first post, because this movie will probably generate more nasty flame wars all over the Internet than any other movie released this summer. IMHO, the reasons there will be flame wars is that this movie is not "safe". It doesn't follow the Hollywood typical formula and lead the viewer through a series of predictable dilemmas culminating in a neat ending, with a loud soundtrack to accompany it and obvious self-aware humor to deflect any fear. I would like to see it again and see if my response is revised at all.


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4607 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2001 :  14:04:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
IMHO, the reasons there will be flame wars is that this movie is not "safe". It doesn't follow the Hollywood typical formula and lead the viewer through a series of predictable dilemmas culminating in a neat ending, with a loud soundtrack to accompany it and obvious self-aware humor to deflect any fear.

This is one of the good things that happens when a filmmaker reaches a certain point in his/her career. They are able to make a movie the way they want to without worrying about the studio screwing with it. I remember the hell Terry Gilliam went through to get Brazil released in a way that was more or less the way he wanted it. If he made it now, he would probably not have to go through so much.

Am I the only one that thinks a flame war over ones opinion on a movie is a tad silly?


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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  14:27:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Zandermann an AOL message Send Zandermann a Private Message
...Am I the only one that thinks a flame war over ones opinion on a movie is a tad silly?

Certainly you're not the only one, @tomic.

Personally, I feel that a flame war over anything is just a tad silly...I've yet to see evidence that anyone's mind has been changed after a flame.

Flaming just generates heat, but no light.

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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  14:50:57   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message
Am I the only one that thinks a flame war over ones opinion on a movie is a tad silly?

No, you're not! I agree with you, but my short experience on BBs has told me that some people consider EVERYTHING to be life-and-death, and their opinions are the only ones that count. When I checked the Dreamworks site Friday night, there was a cretin who posted the same thing under every topic associated with this movie lambasting anyone who liked it as a complete dolt. If you check the site now, you would amazed at the emotional content of the discussions.

By the way, I guess I have this low self-esteem tendency to apologize in advance for having an opinion, so that it may save the egos of others when they put me in their sights.

Also by the way, the more I think about this movie, the more I am convinced that it will be a "classic". My hubby and I were trying to figure out a reason for our states of mind yesterday and came to the realization that the last third of "A.I" was so emotionally devastating that it crept into our reality. I had this same reaction after seeing "Saving Private Ryan". In fact, we saw "SPR" about six weeks before we went on a trip to Europe and because of the realism in the D-Day invasion sequence, we decided to take a day from our time in Paris and drive over to Normandy to visit Omaha Beach and the American Cemetery (we were very glad we made this decision). I know it's stupid to have a movie dictate your actions, but Spielberg did such a marvelous job in SPR of humanizing the horrors of war and making us realize the sacrifices and bravery of those who were forced to fight. One thing you can say about Spielberg - the man knows how to push emotional buttons in his films. He has been doing this since "Jaws" (with a few exceptions) and it probably accounts for his popularity.

Love "Brazil", by the way...


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SFN Addict

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  15:43:50   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Snake's Homepage  Send Snake an ICQ Message  Send Snake a Yahoo! Message Send Snake a Private Message

Am I the only one that thinks a flame war over ones opinion on a movie is a tad silly?

If I knew what a 'flame war' was, knowing you @ , I'd say you are not being silly.

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  22:41:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Rubysue, I was really up in the air about whether or not to go to this movie until I read your review. I have a very short attention span, so any movie over 90 minutes had better be good. Usually I don't like "message" movies, because they're obvious, and tend to hit you over the head with the message for two freaking hours. Haven't seen AI yet, but it sounds like a "what if" and forces the viewer to think. We'll probably try to catch the movie later this week. Thanks.
Hope the movie does well. The current tastes of the American people seem to lean toward someone who's testosterone laden blowing things up.

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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 07/01/2001 :  22:57:58   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message
I hope you enjoy it, Lisa. It's almost 2 1/2 hours long, but the time went by very quickly for us. I normally have to go visit the restroom at least once during a movie but this time I never thought about leaving. I have not been able to quit thinking about it since we saw it Friday night, particularly the last third of the movie (you may have heard by now that the story is roughly divided into three different sections). The last part of "A.I". has generated the most controversy for the critics and other viewers. I found it emotionally devastating in a peculiar way(but, then again, I have a low emotional trigger setting).

Let me know what you think. It certainly does not follow the standard Hollywood action fare.


If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun.

Edited by - rubysue on 07/03/2001 07:36:33
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Religion Moderator

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Posted - 07/03/2001 :  02:28:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Boron10 a Private Message
Following your recomendation, Rubysue, I went to see A.I. I am (like you) still absorbing it, but right now I believe it is a great movie. I wept like a little baby during several occasions (I am kind of weak that way), but the movie did raise some interesting philosophical questions that I will not bring up, since it might ruin the plot. Similarly, I have some technical questions, and will ask them later when more people have had a chance to see the movie.

My bottom line is: if you like the type of movie Rubysue describes, definitely go see the movie.


Edited by - Boron10 on 07/03/2001 02:29:19
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4607 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2001 :  03:29:17   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
Ypu could always start a new thread with "Movie Spoiler" or something like that clearly present.


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Posted - 07/05/2001 :  03:32:25   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
I just saw this movie and I came away wishing it had ended about 20 minutes earlier. For a moment I thought it was going to have a good ending, but I should have known better. I've seen Spielburg ruin too many movies. I thought it was great for about 2 hours though.


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SFN Regular

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Posted - 07/05/2001 :  07:56:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message

I just saw this movie and I came away wishing it had ended about 20 minutes earlier.

The general consensus that I've been exposed to is that it should have ended at [SPOILER kinda] the scene were he jumped into the water (45 minutes earlier?). I haven't seen it, but I've read many reviews and heard from many people who have convinced me it's either going to be a matinee or a rental. I've heard the combination of Kubrick and Spielburg just doesn't mix.


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Posted - 07/05/2001 :  11:41:04   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
Yup, that was when I would have ended it. The rest seemed so unnecessary.


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Posted - 07/05/2001 :  16:48:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit @tomic's Homepage Send @tomic a Private Message
Did anyone notice the repitition of the large mouth symbolism? Two examples I can remember offhand are entering Rouge City and near the end at the underwater amusement park.

Was anyone amused by how submerged New York was by the melting of the ice caps? Looked like NY was a good 500 feet underwater. LOL
Most estimates I have seen indicate that 8 feet is a worst case scenario.


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