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walt fristoe
SFN Regular

505 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2003 :  20:54:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send walt fristoe a Private Message
Hi Doomar!

If "regaining that faith and more of it" is your desire, I'm curious to know why you would subject yourself, and endanger your rediscovered faith, by debating with skeptics and avowed atheists in a forum like this one. It would seem to me to be safer for your emotional stability to immerse yourself in the fellowship of your Christian friends and community, and shun "devil's advocates" such as myself; though I once shared the faith with "God's children", indeed, was "on fire for God", I eventually took the words of Paul to heart: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Cor. 13:11)

You see Doomar, I feel that I have only this one life to live, and that when I am dead I will no longer exist in any form (though the material that had been my body will continue to exist, it won't be me). So I am totally unwilling to live my life according to the dictates of other people; I choose what I will do, I choose what I will read, I choose what I will think. This is the main problem I have with religious adherents: they insist on imposing their attitudes, lifestyles and ways of thinking on me. If it weren't for their insistence on controlling my life, and my society, I would have much less antipathy toward them.

Now, on to Paul and "science":
According to The New Westminister Dictionary of the Bible, "science" is "the AV rendering of Heb. madda and Gr. gnosis, meaning 'knowledge'. It does not denote knowledge gained by observation of phenomena and systematized. The false knowledge spoken of by Paul is the teaching of Judaizing and mystic sects in the apostolic age, which they boastfully claimed to be certain, against which Paul urgently warned men and which counterfeits the true knowledge which he praised and in which he desired Christians to grow.
However many fundamentalist Christians still use 1Tim. 6:20 to justify their rejection of any idea, scientific or otherwise, they believe contradicts the Bible.

Now, as to faith:
"Faith is powerful enough to immunize people against all appeals to pity, to forgiveness, to decent human feelings. It even immunizes them against fear, if they honestly believe that a martyr's death will send them straight to heaven. What a weapon! Religious faith deserves a chapter to itself in the annals of war technology, on an even footing with the longbow, the warhorse, the tank, and the hydrogen bomb."
Richard Dawkins

Now as to the "credibility" of Genesis:
Is it credible that:
  • the Earth was made before the sun? (Gen.1:14-18)

  • light was made before the sun, moon or stars? (Gen. 1:3)

  • there was evening and morning without reference to sun or moon? (Gen. 1:5)

  • plants were made before the sun? (Gen. 1:11-12)

  • birds came from water? (Gen. 1:20)

  • man was made before animals? (Gen. 2:5-7)

  • This is only a fraction of the things that are wrong with the Genesis account, but it's all I have time for right now. But perhaps you can see why I don't consider it to be credible?

    "If God chose George Bus of all the people in the world, how good could God be?"
    Bill Maher
    Edited by - walt fristoe on 03/19/2003 20:56:45
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    Dave W.
    Info Junkie

    26024 Posts

    Posted - 03/20/2003 :  07:16:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
    Doomar wrote:
    These are some clear examples where some "so called" science directly refutes the teachings of the Bible. Data can be misread and misused and misunderstood. To believe such misinterpreted science can indeed thwart the faith of the weak.
    Are you saying that when science and the Bible disagree, the truth always lies in the Bible? If so, why?

    - Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
    Evidently, I rock!
    Why not question something for a change?
    Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too.
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    Skeptic Friend

    333 Posts

    Posted - 03/20/2003 :  08:00:13   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send tw101356 a Private Message
    Originally posted by Doomar

    You mean the only 'true' science is that which agrees with Christianity? Which version of Christianity? Or that which agrees with the Bible? Whose interpretation of the Bible? Would you say that 'Creation Science' is true or false science? Would you say that 'Christian Science' is truly scientific?

    Consider the so-called scientific evidence that men or women are born homosexual. The Bible clearly refutes this idea and labels such activity as sinful (further investigation of these "scientists" revealed an agenda), same as it does adultery and fornication (having sex outside of marriage).

    Consider the so-called scientific evidence that insects have six
    legs or that bats are mammals. The Bible clearly refutes these

    Bzzzzt. Sorry, you lose, but thanks for praying.

    -- Henry

    Er, I meant to type "playing".

    - TW
    Edited by - tw101356 on 03/20/2003 08:02:40
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