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walt fristoe
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505 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2003 :  11:08:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send walt fristoe a Private Message
Originally posted by filthy

Wanna big, bad monster? Archetuchis dux, if I've spelled that right, the giant squid. They attain a length of some 50 feet, tenticals extended. An even bigger one has been recently discovered; the colossal squid. All squid have one thing in common: they are ferocious predators.

Just FYI, it's Architeuthis, and there is apparently another giant squid called Gigantas dosa, which I definitely wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley (fortunately, they never seem to hang out in dark alleys)!

"If God chose George Bus of all the people in the world, how good could God be?"
Bill Maher
Edited by - walt fristoe on 11/06/2003 11:08:54
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Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 11/06/2003 :  11:23:50   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Maglev's Homepage  Send Maglev an ICQ Message Send Maglev a Private Message
Originally posted by filthy

The really silly part of all this is that there are in existance many creatures far more amazing than even a dark-ages beastiary could come up with. Some imaginary, hairy, forest lout ain't even in contention.

Fer instance:

Cook Mountain Weta: This is a cricket that lives above the frost line on Cook Mt., in NZ.
Venomous serpents, particulary the Viperids and especally the Pit Vipers. An amazing hunting technique!

American horned lizards: Their defense strategy is to squrt blood from the eyes.

And how about my all time favourite, the Bonobo Ape. It's so... sexual, that it took a few years (if not a few decades) for embarassed scientists to finaly study it.. We're talking non-stop sex here; masturbation, male-on-male action, etc :) Check this page out if interested:

It's my favourite because it makes some Big Foot fans blush, a "weapon" that's always fun to use against the more convinced believer; reality is often weirder than anything these folks can come up with (and they know it!). I make it my humble duty to remind them of that...


"The awe it inspired in me made the awe that people talk about in respect of religious experience seem, frankly, silly beside it. I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day."
--Douglas Adams, on evolutionary biology.
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Posted - 05/17/2004 :  21:42:01   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Debunker_Ike a Private Message
Originally posted by furshur

The bigfoot legend is so absurd. My son asked be how people in the time of Columbus could believe in sea monsters, I told him in the same way people believe in Bigfoot and UFOs.
The best evidence of Bigfoot according to this article is the guy in an ape suit from California. OK. On the California state flag is a Grizzly bear. The reason is that there use to be lots of very large grizzly bears in the state, now there are none, not even in the surrounding states. We killed them all. Not just most of them we wiped them out of exsistence, and in that same time we never caught or killed one single Largetoe. In California they killed every single wolf in the state. Every single one and yet again no Massivepods were caught or killed. Oh, I know the Sasquish is very intelligent, but Californina also killed or captured every Native American in the state while never killing a bigfoot. I know that the last Native American was not captured until early 1900s but I think we still would have stumbled over a 800 lb 9 foot tall dude by now. What is it with people that they need to believe this kind of rubbish?

Your being Sarcastic right? Oh yea your a Skeptic... FACT does not matter... Well I hate to DEBUNK your over bloated ego (O.K. I Love it)

Hmmm California not only has THREE types of wolves But Native Americans as well....

Another Skeptic DEBUNKED

Debunker Ike

Debunking Skeptics are easy, They will believe ANYTHING.
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Posted - 05/17/2004 :  22:13:39   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Debunker_Ike a Private Message
Originally posted by Renae

Can I just say this is one urban legend I WISH were true?

I live in the NW and have heard Bigfoot stories since I was a little girl. I hike, and I can almost understand "seeing" (read: imagining) boogeymen like Bigfoot in the dark, remote forests here. Mostly the woods put me in awe, but sometimes they can be creepy.

I realize wishful thinking doesn't make something so, but wouldn't it be cool....?

Ok lets see I've never taken a Cruise.. Never seen a Cruise Ship....
I've heard stories about them, I've Seen Photos & Video too...
So If I was a skeptic then this is all the proof "I" need that The Titanic is a fary tale & Large ships that size are NOT Possible...
I wish the Queen Mary exsisted but like you said wishing it does NOT make them so.

Remember this the Dwarf Marmoset & Bernhardi Monkey were both considered MYTHS until last year Both "discovered" in the Amazon...
Now if two small monkys can exsist in the area the size of the Amazon basin for over 600 years then something just as rare could exsist in
almost all of North America & Northern Asia.

Debunker _Ike

Debunking Skeptics are easy, They will believe ANYTHING.
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Posted - 05/18/2004 :  01:23:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
Yea and they laughed at Galileo, so you must be right.......
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SFN Die Hard

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Posted - 05/18/2004 :  08:34:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Howdy Ike. Welcome to SFN!

We reintroduced the red wolf here in NC, a few years ago. Thus far, the program seems to be successful. But time will tell.

Sooo, debunking skeptics is easy, eh? If you wish, go back over my history on these boards, then lay that debunkin' on me. It's been a long time since I've been in a really interesting knock-down-drag-out, cyber-scrap and I fear that I'm getting a mite rusty.

Again, welcome!

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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SFN Regular

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Posted - 05/18/2004 :  08:58:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send furshur a Private Message
Debunker said:
Hmmm California not only has THREE types of wolves But Native Americans as well....

California also has elephants and rhinos. I did not realize I needed to be so specific. WILD wolves were wiped out. Here is a quote from one of your links, "as a result of this attitude, the wolfs range today is limited to Alaska, Canada, Upper Michigan, and Minnesota". Of course this great site you picked is wrong - the wolf has been reintroduced to central Idaho and Yellowstone Park.
The point stands - how can you kill EVERY SINGLE wolf in the state and not manage to shoot even one giant ape.
As far as the Native Americans - yes there are Native Americans in California. Fine bit of investigative research I might add (that was sarcasm). The point was that the United States Army invaded California and through force placed the Native Americans on reservations.
If your research can find where during this time they also placed the indigenous Bigfoot population on Reservations I will be impressed.

By the way welcome the SF.

If I knew then what I know now then I would know more now than I know.
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SFN Regular

1536 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2004 :  09:18:18   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send furshur a Private Message
1. How can you possibly compare the wilderness of the Amazon rain forest to California?
2. These primates are about the size of a chipmunk. Not quite the 800lb 9 foot tall fairy tale you are talking about.
3. These were not mythical creatures, there was no big shock that some new primates species were found. They may have even been sighted before and simply not identified as new species. I am sure there will be more new species found in the Amazon. I am equally sure that the new species will not be a large animals, certainly not 800lb man-apes.

Your logic with the cruise does not hold water. You can go on a cruise anytime you like, you cannot have dinner with a big foot, ever.

If I knew then what I know now then I would know more now than I know.
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2004 :  12:33:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
There have been several, organized hunts going out to flog the boonies for Bigfoot. But the 'Foots are crafty fellows, cleverly slipping away at the approach of our heros. Thus all of the hunts have come up dry.

There have been reports of finding hair and scat as well as tracks, but all seem to disappear before any sort of followup is done. And all of the tracks found thus far have been frauds to impress the tourists. I suspect that you too, can own a genuine casting of a Bigfoot track, for a price, and if the seller is out of them at the moment, just wait a bit and he'll get up a new batch in a jiffy.

I ain't knocking it. It's free enterprise in microcosim. But let's not call it science nor even natural history until the beast is produced.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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Vic Daring
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Posted - 05/18/2004 :  14:00:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Vic Daring a Private Message
A guy I know used to date a woman who sort of resembled a Sasquatch.

That's about as close as you're gonna get, though, I think.

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
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Posted - 05/29/2004 :  09:18:57   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Robb a Private Message

If they have signs for Bigfoot they must exist!
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