SFN Regular

751 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2004 : 22:53:04
The Humor FolderModerated by gezzam The Humor Folder is one of the forums available on the Skeptic Friends Network.
Did you get a good joke in you inbox today and you want to share it with the members on this forum? The humor section is for you. We all like a good joke, but keep it reasonably clean and try not to offend anyone (blondes excepted). If the moderators find any joke to be unacceptable it will be deleted.
Prior to posting, please take a look at the FAQ, including our intellectual property policies.
Here's a link to the New Topic page for the Humor Folder, if you're ready to make a post. If you're not yet registered, click here, first.
If you need to speak privately to a moderator of this forum, you can send a PM to gezzam.
Please reply to this thread only if you'd like to comment on the Humor Folder itself. All other thoughts, including suggestions for topics of discussion, should be posted as replies to topics already listed in the folder, or as New Topics. Thank you.