Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts |
Posted - 02/27/2004 : 23:55:51
The Q & A FolderModerated by @tomic The Q & A Folder is one of the forums available on the Skeptic Friends Network.
Got a question about this web site itself? How it's maintained, moderated, or updated? Want to find out what that funny-looking icon does, or to learn the intricacies of "forum code"? Our friendly staff members are here to answer your questions, but they can't do that unless you post them here, first.
Prior to posting, please take a look at the FAQ, including our intellectual property policies.
Here's a link to the New Topic page for the Q & A Folder, if you're ready to make a post. If you're not yet registered, click here, first.
If you need to speak privately to a moderator of this forum, you can send a PM to @tomic.
Please reply to this thread only if you'd like to comment on the Q & A Folder itself. All other thoughts, including suggestions for topics of discussion, should be posted as replies to topics already listed in the folder, or as New Topics. Thank you.

62 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2006 : 15:35:20 [Permalink]
quote: You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, user name, date, and particular forum(s). Simply click on the "search" link at the top of most pages.
Please forgive me, but I can't find any search link anywhere.

62 Posts |
Posted - 01/01/2007 : 23:12:09 [Permalink]
Just in case anyone is still missing the search link, here is how to bring it up:
If you are in a webpage of a thread, at the end of the messages there is to the right corner a 'Jump To' box where you can scroll down to the 'search page'.
In every webpage except preview page there is the main menu on top, click on the 'Forums' and it will open up the main forums page; to the left there is a 'Search the Forums' box.
This box is also accessible by clicking on the 'All Forums' at the top left hand corner, where you will find this cascading downward and inward list of choices, as follows:
All Forums .Website Related ..Q & A ...The Q & A Folder
Hope this helps.
Suggestions or questions or requests:
1. When I click on a webpage of a thread, the from webpage is replaced by the to webpage, and the from webpage disappears in the tabbed list of opened webpages -- I am using a tabbed browser, GreenBrowser; how do I keep the from webpage still on in the list of tabbed websites and pages, just one click away, and no need to download again?
2. I don't see an indent format here in the code features; please add that feature.
3. Thanks for this website, but I wish some guys here would not be so dyspeptic in their messages, seemingly to be suffering from irritable colon. Can't a member in good faith (okay, presumptively) not have any mutually cordial and comfortable dialog without getting shouted at continuously for evidence and getting repeatedly browbeaten with charges of lying, trolling, dodging, etc.
4. Do skeptics have to adopt that kind of a posture; it's like some storekeepers who when you ask how much some article in display sells, they demand with a menacing look in return, "You gonna buy it or not?"
That kind of a storekeepers are destined to lose more customers for everyone who steps in to look around and asks about the prices of merchandise.
[5. Let's, oh no, not let's, but let me see what reactions await me from the guys I am referring to -- because some guys here even object to my using the term let's, meaning let us; for they don't welcome any kind of common effort if that is what they mean; and don't say hahaha either, they will scream at you for being what, God knows what, wait! don't use that name either. And so on and on and on.]
Okay, no hahaha, but no hehehe either; may I then just smile sweetly? I confess I am just here for the fun, even though it takes time and effort; but so thus putting together a jigsaw puzzle, or bungee diving which is very much more dangerous; whereas here you just have to put up with guys who are awash with bilious choler, but can only get at you with words of digitally 0's and 1's.
To be personal, even at the risk of being bowled out by guys I have in mind here, I don't worry so much now about getting thrown out for writing the way I have always been doing.
The first time from Straightdope was bad, the last time from JREF skeptics forum did not bother me at all; before that it was the Internet Infidels forum which was quite depressing.
You see, I am not a doctor but I read about medicine and recently I came across a blog by a doctor, and he said that the first time he lost a patient it was terrible, he could not eat nor sleep; but now he had gotten to the opposite extreme, no more feeling except routine expressions of condolence for the family.
I just noticed also the change in myself, as regards getting thrown out without ceremonies, that is the regular way when you face the forum door banged closed to you as you one morning try to access it from habit.
If anyone asks me, every time I had been banned, my own impression of course, it's because some people, moderators and administrators and vindictive members just developed some kind of allergy, to put it mildly, toward me; so that instead of moderating what they actually do is censoring and finally ostracizing, by throwing out people like myself.
Evil Skeptic

13479 Posts |
Posted - 01/01/2007 : 23:40:34 [Permalink]
quote: Pachomius: …so that instead of moderating what they actually do is censoring and finally ostracizing, by throwing out people like myself.
So it was the moderators who were to blame for your being banned from so many forums? You do know that some people join forums and don't get banned, don't you?
I think you should be asking yourself, by now, what is it about what you post or the way you post that causes people to react the way they do toward you.
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
Dr. Mabuse
Septic Fiend

9691 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2007 : 04:32:34 [Permalink]
Hey guys...
What part of "Please reply to this thread only if you'd like to comment on the Q & A Folder itself." from Dave's post do you not understand?
Dave, can you split these posts from the thread? Or maybe create a new Q & A Folder presentation? |
Dr. Mabuse - "When the going gets tough, the tough get Duct-tape..." Dr. Mabuse whisper.mp3
"Equivocation is not just a job, for a creationist it's a way of life..." Dr. Mabuse
Support American Troops in Iraq: Send them unarmed civilians for target practice.. Collateralmurder. |
Evil Skeptic

13479 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2007 : 07:25:22 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by Dr. Mabuse
Hey guys...
What part of "Please reply to this thread only if you'd like to comment on the Q & A Folder itself." from Dave's post do you not understand?
Dave, can you split these posts from the thread? Or maybe create a new Q & A Folder presentation?
Ooooops... |
Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.
Why not question something for a change?
Genetic Literacy Project |
Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts |