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 A politically incorrect diatribe, part 2
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SFN Die Hard

5310 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  14:45:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message

Thank you for proving that I have not insulted your person. You have called me a fiend, which is an ad hominem attack. I have only attacked your ideas and your behavior. However, in the spirit of fairness, and realizing that it gets us nowhere, I will attempt to watch how I say what I was in the future and ask you to do the same. I make no promises, and hold you to nothing either, but I will make an attempt.

Yes, it is my bad that I didn't read two links. I read most of them, but when they didn't work I forgot about them (you said they didn't work too) and thought they had been quoted extensively anyway. I will take the time to read them. That may take some time to read and respond. My apologies for saying that you said nothing, when it was obviously my misunderstanding that missed those two posts.

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa - Cat Stevens
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Skeptic Friend

199 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  16:16:31   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message
Your apology is grudgingly accepted, Gorgo. You were quite insulting to me and my person and have been for a long time, quite frankly, and if you can't see that from the quotes I cited, then you are not very observant or, again, you are resorting to two different "personalities" for your posts. Your apparent complete lack of a sense of humor or irony is also quite evident (hence my reference to "earnest progressives", which, for some bizarre reason set Atomic off on a nuclear spin), because you saw "fiend" as an ad-hominem attack (look up the origins of your on-line name for why I chose that appellation). When I called you that, it was because I was amazed at how much you keep posting the same things, over and over and over again, like a person obsessed, and I tried to make a pathetic joke out of it, playing off your on-line name. Forgive me for employing such subtleties; they are likely not understood by most.

I have apologized in the past for being "too vigorous" in my approach, so that will have to stand as the best I can do today. I am surrounded by those who disagree with me (including this new SFN member SJ, another Chomskyite apostle), so I will concede defeat and will let you and your new friend sit around and praise the "great" linguist, talking to each other.

I have provided ample evidence demonstrating the following about Chomsky and his "ideas":

1) He resorts regularly to obfuscation and linguistic "trickery" to confuse the issue.
2) He provides outrageous commentary that has no basis in fact or scholastic reference that I can see.
3) He has no real sympathy for the victims of September 11 but rather uses the tragedy of that day to resort to red herring "bait and switch" arguments to grind his favorite hate America axes. He also believes the words of bin Laden are "worth hearing".
4) He has been devious and quite cunning about his statements concerning Holocaust denial and the Cambodia atrocities, including being "caught in the lie" numerous times, as evidenced by meticulously researched articles by other academicians.

I am NOT "glad" we have someone like this sounding off and "lifting humanity", but I guess I've been brainwashed.


If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun.

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SFN Die Hard

5310 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  17:45:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
I don't know why it wouldn't be a good idea to know what Osama bin Laden is thinking. Why would you not think it's worth it to know who your enemies are and what they're thinking?


“The United States wants to silence the one free television channel in the Arab world because it's broadcasting a whole range of things from Powell over to Osama bin Laden. So the US is now joining the repressive regimes of the Arab world that try to shut it up. But if you listen to it, if you listen to what bin Laden says, it's worth it. There is plenty of interviews. And there are plenty of interviews by leading Western reporters, if you don't want to listen to his own voice, Robert Fisk and others. And what he has been saying is pretty consistent for a long time. He's not the only one but maybe he is the most eloquent.”

[Source: There you have it – the words of bin Laden are “worth hearing”. Now this truly fits the definition of “seditious” (go look it up, if you don't believe me). Unbelievable; he probably got a kick out of Hitler, too. Mr. Linguistics also exhibits his appalling lack of grammatical expertise in this quote. Moral relativism at its finest..]

to be continued...


If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun.

Edited by - rubysue on 11/02/2001 15:45:41

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa - Cat Stevens
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SFN Die Hard

5310 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  18:06:32   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Here's the better article I was looking for on Faurisson:

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa - Cat Stevens
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New Member

4 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  19:03:01   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send SJ a Private Message
rubysue wrote:

I have provided ample evidence demonstrating the following about Chomsky and his "ideas":

1) He resorts regularly to obfuscation and linguistic "trickery" to confuse the issue.
2) He provides outrageous commentary that has no basis in fact or scholastic reference that I can see.
3) He has no real sympathy for the victims of September 11 but rather uses the tragedy of that day to resort to red herring "bait and switch" arguments to grind his favorite hate America axes. He also believes the words of bin Laden are "worth hearing".
4) He has been devious and quite cunning about his statements concerning Holocaust denial and the Cambodia atrocities, including being "caught in the lie" numerous times, as evidenced by meticulously researched articles by other academicians.

Where's the ample evidence? Taking sentences out of context is all the evidence I've seen from you. The student dissertation on Cambodia appears to do the same. Is this the method by which you will expose to the world the cunning and deviousness of Chomsky? Rants, empty assertions, deliberate misconstructions of sentences taken from lengthy speeches, interviews, and articles? Pretty slim evidence. It won't go far with minds that are willing to slog through the oft-tedious analytical steps of Chomsky's work. He lays building block upon building block for his arguments. Where are your blocks? You seem very in line with the sheep mindset of America, not the truly skeptical. That is, skip all the reasons for adopting a position. Just go directly to the position, and bleat how terrific it is to be there. So much for dialogue. So much for the practice of skeptical inquiry and questioning.

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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  20:04:45   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Where's the ample evidence? Taking sentences out of context is all the evidence I've seen from you. The student dissertation on Cambodia appears to do the same. Is this the method by which you will expose to the world the cunning and deviousness of Chomsky? Rants, empty assertions, deliberate misconstructions of sentences taken from lengthy speeches, interviews, and articles? Pretty slim evidence. It won't go far with minds that are willing to slog through the oft-tedious analytical steps of Chomsky's work. He lays building block upon building block for his arguments. Where are your blocks? You seem very in line with the sheep mindset of America, not the truly skeptical. That is, skip all the reasons for adopting a position. Just go directly to the position, and bleat how terrific it is to be there. So much for dialogue. So much for the practice of skeptical inquiry and questioning.

You know rubysue - this sounds very like the arguments coming from those who believe the Cydonia Face on Mars is an intelligent contruction, or that the human is too stupid to actually get to the moon, or that the ISS isn't really up there somewhere circling overhead. I just realized this with the language used here. How many times have we heard the argument of the *sheep mindset* blindly following the government and what NASA says.


This is not a sheep mentality. I would suggest to further your argument you refrain from the ad hominem. I've already had this discussion with Gorgo - I will tell you once and once only. Because I do NOT agree with you in no way reduces me to a lack of skepticism. I am Skeptical of YOUR claim and YOUR position. Why, I don't know, maybe I actually enjoy political science - maybe I've actually read something besides one narrow minded view. Maybe I've had friends that can't stand Chomsky's friends and have been exposed to his ill treatment.

And just maybe I'm a little sick and fucking tired of being called a criminal by association. Here's how it works, the government engages in criminal activity, that criminal activity is carried out by the US military, I have five years active duty time under my belt. Hmm, worked in a court of law against Charles Manson and his cult - bet the same argument here would work.

Freedom of speech is freedom to express your opinions. Freedom of speech is not forcing your fucking opinions down my fucking throat. @tomic, Gorgo, LP, rubysue, Lisa, Slater, etc, et al, may at some point agree and some point disagree. However, I hope that we will all see that for what it is. I've noticed that Gorgo tends to call women with whom he argues 'hysterical' or they have no clue what they are talking about - he has however, never done this with Garrette. I think if you read back through the previous posts you will notice this. However, I think it is just possible that we can resolve our differences. I even wonder if Gorgo realizes he's doing this.

@tomic and I don't agree necessarily, but I think he's coming from the point of Santanya (?) Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

You see there is a fundamental difference between you and I SJ. I joined the Marines for many reasons but one reason matters here - I hate war. Sound strange. My first response to the stand up order for DS/S was 'oh FUCK!' The military is necessary and military action is necessary. I understand reality - that is where Chomsky blows it. He's preaching Utopia wrapped up in nice big words. Same as most preachers wandering around. Never, tell me or anyone else that we lack any skepticism because we don't agree with you. That would be a severe lack of it - falling in blindly and following just what you say I should. Baa!

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain

Edited by - Trish on 11/04/2001 21:26:39
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SFN Regular

1447 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  20:33:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message
SJ said:
The O'Reillys and Limbaughs of the world have proven that starting fights by asserting outlandish semi-facts (the key is to always have some thread of fact so someone somewhere can believe you might be stating fact) can be a fun and inexpensive way to get high on a power trip. "Look at how excited I got those folks!"

So people from the "right" are motivated only by power trips, and don't care at all for anyone but themselves, but people like Noam Chomsky care about "lifting humanity to higher standards of compassion, morality, and honest"?

And you have the nerve to talk about "lack of intellectual honesty"? Why should anyone take you seriously when your first post establishes your one-sided bigotry?


Sum Ergo Cogito
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Skeptic Friend

199 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  21:06:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send rubysue a Private Message
Well, here we go...I have no more bridges to burn at this point, so I might as well go out in towering flames. Don't even bother to chastise me, Atomic; I won't be listening:

So this is how the Chomskyites "win" the hearts and minds of the fence-sitters on this board, by recruiting their radical little brainless and snotty friends to sign on as "new members" and be insulting and parochial and sounding just like an eerie and much nastier echo of other voices that we're so familiar with. How interesting and coincidental that the SFN now has a new "member", SJ, who, in two short posts, has instantly sunk to the lowest level of insult and hyperbole, without offering anything whatsoever of substance. The burden of proof is in your corner, sweeties; find a way to deny the meticulous research of several respected academics and researchers (I could find many more if I wanted to, but I'm tired). I'm actually quite grateful that we are "complete strangers" because I certainly wouldn't want to break bread with you.

I have vowed, threatened, and promised that I was finished with this board, or at least this topic, but I kept hoping that I could do some legitimate work showing the real threat of the "Fifth Column" who lives amongst us and get some help in this war of the words, which I believe to be very important as we face the real and just war on terrorism. It's really too bad that all of you that "completely agreed with me" (other than Trish and Tokyodreamer and Chubby) couldn't find a way to jump in and add your two cents worth, but that's ok; I thank you for supporting me anyway. The Chomskyites can all go straight to hell along with their cowardly, devious, lying and nihilistic leadership; the rest of us will hope that we can survive these megalomaniac terrorist threats to civilization, no thanks to the appeasing pacifists and rancid radicals that infest our universities. I'm too tired to argue the case anymore...

I'll think about the Chomskyites when the U.S. military body count starts to rise and remember what the difference is between human beings of integrity and honor and those cowardly few who will do anything to avoid having to act or think for themselves and who adamantly refuse to recognize evil when it stares them in the face. I submit to you that you are the ones who are not skeptical; believe it or not, I resided fairly close to the same point on the political spectrum not that long ago and have been rudely awakened by certain life-altering events and hours and hours of analysis and evaluation. My skepticism has brought me to this point, where I have now recognized Chomsky for the quisling and equivocator that he is (I'm not alone, by the way; Christopher Hitchens has also reached this point, as have other liberals, if you would ever bother to read The Nation or The New Republic).

To respond to one other comment of yours, Gorgo, I believe it is very important to know what bin Laden has to say; however, I don't think it is "worth hearing". Your linguistics champion should know how to select words better than he does when responding to questions and interviews. There is nothing bin Laden could say that could ever be considered worthwhile, but our analysis should hang on every word, in case a clue is found that saves lives and helps locate him and his organization.

By the way, one last "turd" in the Chomsky punchbowl and I'll be off to a real life for a while. Here's a link to an interview with Chomsky about the Faurisson affair and a link to an article from The New Republic. The interview with Chomsky is a classic - he commits just about every fallacious argument error on the books, formal and informal, and is so coy and devious as to be nauseating. When I did a search on Holocaust denial and Chomsky on Google, I got MANY links to explore in addition to the ones I've already noted. Chomsky has a relationship with Finkelstein, as noted in the tnr article, who is associated with a Canadian Holocaust denier and his publications. Is a Palestinian home state and/or the destruction of Israel so important to the left that they would actively deny the horrors of history?


If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun.

Edited by - rubysue on 11/04/2001 21:09:02
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SFN Regular

1223 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2001 :  21:50:20   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Why would anyone think that anything ObL is saying is "worth hearing"? "Allah is great, we will defeat the infidels...." ad infinitum. By now, I think everyone can pretty much lip synch his speeches. Seen the latest on CNN? ObL says "God, not guns will win the war". Unless he's doing in praying in a non-targeted zone, I must hasten to disagree. I have a pretty good idea of the destructive power of the stuff we're dropping, and trust me, prayer won't help.
As for the apologists, what can I say? PYHO (Trish probably knows what that means.) There are whacks out there who will happily murder 5000 and consider this to be "policy". Well, this country has a "policy" too. We get pissed when someone gets the bright idea to murder 5000 people on our soil.
One of the arguments I've heard is that the American people don't care about the plight of people elsewhere. Remember waaay back in March the argument about our government giving the Taliban $43M? We wondered exactly what brand of glue our elected officials were sniffing. Trish and I wrote nasty grams to said officials, don't know if anyone else did.
So here's the new game plan: we'll all care. We'll care deeply. We'll send e-mails to one another declaring how much we truly care. We'll furrow our brows thoughtfully. We'll also re-think some of our foreign aid packages. I doubt anyone will mind, right? Why do you need money when so many really care?

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
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Skeptic Friend

74 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  02:31:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send lpetrich a Private Message
[First off, I have this hack for writing messages that won't fit into the small textbox that the message-posting page displays. I copy its contents into a text editor, and when I'm done, I copy it back. Currently, I'm using MacOS X TextEdit, because it is nice and simple.

So this is how the Chomskyites "win" the hearts and minds of the fence-sitters on this board, by recruiting their radical little brainless and snotty friends to sign on as "new members" and be insulting and parochial and sounding just like an eerie and much nastier echo of other voices that we're so familiar with. ...

Or maybe it's being repulsed by how some of NC's opponents act like the jerks that they believe left-wingers to be. I don't know what's on NC's mind -- maybe he feels betrayed by how our leaders have behaved in something other than a completely saintly, altruistic way.

I have vowed, threatened, and promised that I was finished with this board, or at least this topic, but I kept hoping that I could do some legitimate work showing the real threat of the "Fifth Column" who lives amongst us and get some help in this war of the words, which I believe to be very important as we face the real and just war on terrorism. [similar foam-at-the-mouth rhetoric deleted for brevity...]

The spies and the wreckers and the enemies of the people must be purged, right?

And we all know that "the undesirable classes never liquidate themselves"

To respond to one other comment of yours, Gorgo, I believe it is very important to know what bin Laden has to say; however, I don't think it is "worth hearing". ...

Grow up. What's wrong with letting him make himself look totally stupid? Like the time that he quoted a Hadith about how there will come a time when Jews will be hiding behind trees and rocks -- which will speak to Muslims and tell them that there are Jews behind them -- except for the Gharqad trees, which are a tree of the Jews. One has to be suspicious of someone who takes such laughable things seriously, though I doubt that that is much more absurd than some of the things in the Bible.

Also, there are some fun online quizzes which ask one to identify which of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Osama bin Laden had authored various statements to the effect that God/Allah is punishing the US for its sins.

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Skeptic Friend

74 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  02:34:49   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send lpetrich a Private Message
Why would anyone think that anything ObL is saying is "worth hearing"? "Allah is great, we will defeat the infidels...." ad infinitum. ...

But it's good for a laugh, isn't it?

... Remember waaay back in March the argument about our government giving the Taliban $43M? We wondered exactly what brand of glue our elected officials were sniffing. ...

That was so they could stop growing opium poppies.

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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  02:50:54   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
So this is how the Chomskyites "win" the hearts and minds of the fence-sitters on this board, by recruiting their radical little brainless and snotty friends to sign on as "new members" and be insulting and parochial and sounding just like an eerie and much nastier echo of other voices that we're so familiar with. ...

Or maybe it's being repulsed by how some of NC's opponents act like the jerks that they believe left-wingers to be. I don't know what's on NC's mind -- maybe he feels betrayed by how our leaders have behaved in something other than a completely saintly, altruistic way.

So then Chomsky believes that maybe we should cut the US up among all the other nations of the world? That we should beggar ourselves to promote everyone eleses ideals? Lets cut the US up - my vote the Taliban gets the Southern States - sorry TD - you'll probably have to move.

The United States has the right to act in it's own self interest and in the interests of it's people.

I have vowed, threatened, and promised that I was finished with this board, or at least this topic, but I kept hoping that I could do some legitimate work showing the real threat of the "Fifth Column" who lives amongst us and get some help in this war of the words, which I believe to be very important as we face the real and just war on terrorism. [similar foam-at-the-mouth rhetoric deleted for brevity...]

The spies and the wreckers and the enemies of the people must be purged, right?

No, I think the point she's trying to make here is that with a fundamental point of view there is no concession to a point - only more of the same rhetoric.

And we all know that "the undesirable classes never liquidate themselves"

Obviously you never read the research rubysue did into our first amendment rights. I can't recall exactly where those are right now - but look them up. It's definitely worth a read.

Which classes do you define as undesirable? Which classes do you think rubysue defines as undesirable?

To respond to one other comment of yours, Gorgo, I believe it is very important to know what bin Laden has to say; however, I don't think it is "worth hearing". ...

Grow up. What's wrong with letting him make himself look totally stupid? Like the time that he quoted a Hadith about how there will come a time when Jews will be hiding behind trees and rocks -- which will speak to Muslims and tell them that there are Jews behind them -- except for the Gharqad trees, which are a tree of the Jews. One has to be suspicious of someone who takes such laughable things seriously, though I doubt that that is much more absurd than some of the things in the Bible.

I think you just missed the point of rubysues comment there - whether by deliberation or no... rubysue was saying the only reason to listen to bin Laden is to determine if he reveals anything of any import. However, what he says is not *worth* listening to, probably in the same manner as Pat Robertson is not *worth* listening to, though I do want to know what his next move is in an attempt to protect my rights from his proposed theocracy.

Also, there are some fun online quizzes which ask one to identify which of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Osama bin Laden had authored various statements to the effect that God/Allah is punishing the US for its sins.

I took that test - I missed 3. Say something of how much I listen to what these yokes say? They still have nothing worth listening to.

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  02:53:01   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
That was so they could stop growing opium poppies.

That was because the Taliban was going to ban the growing of opium poppies, not so they could. That was not the point of my disagreement with sending the money to the Taliban. I'll look up the letter and post it here for you.

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  03:04:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Here's the letter I wrote.

Dear Sir:

I am deeply disturbed to hear of the United States supplying the Taliban with a large amount money for any reason. Though the Taliban has recently declared they will stop the production of poppy, a prime ingredient in the production of opiates, this is insufficient reason for such an amount of US tax dollars to go to a suppresseive regime like the Taliban. The Taliban has proven itself to be a regime of extreme sectarian origin unsupported by the majority of Muslims. With the exception of the drug issue the Taliban has still failed to comply with UNSCR 1267.

Would not the 43 million be better spent educating our young people to the effects of drug use. Or training our own law enforcement to better deal with the drug trade. Increasing the number of law enforcement officials dedicated to preventing the import of illegal narcotics into the US would also be more preferable.

Osama bin Laden is still free to practice his Jihad, holy war, against the US and its citizenry. Various terrorist organization are still free to use Afghanistan as a base of operations, avoiding international prosecution for acts of terrorism. These are the facts regarding terrorism against the US: over 500 are dead and 1000 injured in the past 18 years. Americans who enlist in our Armed Forces are well aware of the potential threat to their lives the average citizen is unlikely to be aware they are a taget. On a personal note, I have lost a friend to terrorism and nearly lost my brother to the same.

Please recall, bin Laden has been indicted by the UNSC for the bombings of US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. During these attacks over 200 innocent civilians were killed and over 4000 innocent civilians were injured. The US also believes bin Laden is behind the attacks at the World Trade Center and the USS Cole in Yemen. Remember, bin Laden fought with the Mujahideen against the Soviets. The Afghani regime feels some gratitude toward this man for his efforts with the Mujahideen.

Is the citizenry of the US to accept the payout of 43 million US tax dollars to Mullah Mohammed Omar and his Taliban regime while gross human civil right violations are perpetrated daily? Recently his regime called for all Hindi citizens of Afghanistan to wear identifying badges. Niid I remind you...Jews were required to wear indentifying badges during the reign of the Third Reich? Supplying a regime with clear anit-US sentiments that enacts laws closely paralleling those of the Third Reich is, at best, irresponsible.

They have, in addition to forcing Hindus to wear badges, declared that women of any failt wear the burkha, an act that results in the dehumanization of women. It allows male citizens to beat women to death for what would not even be considered a minor infraction in this society. Our citizens cry out against the heinous crime of female circumcision and the dehumanization caused by the enforced wearing of the burkha. Yet our government, elected officials, choose to ignore its citizenry and supply a society, that we as a whole declare anathema to our own beliefs and our support of the Constitution and its relevant Amendments, with 43 million of our tax dollars in support of their view on the drug trade issue. This issue then begs the question of how long the Taliban will support the anti-drug issue in the face of supporting the mass of its own citizenry. Though, I doubt, the veracity of the claim that the Taliban will use these funds in the manner which the US government intends.

The Taliban is also responsible for the destruction of several peices of our world history. They destroyed the largest known statues of Budda located in their desert. They did this despite cries from other countries to let them remove the statues.

Consider the whole picture instead of the rosy parts of policy that coincides with the particular view the US government holds. Do not in any way approve support for a society that suppresses any human rights. Do not ignore history and fail to see the close relation between the current Taliban doctrine and that of the Third Reich. And ask yourself, how long before the Taliban begins its own concentration camps composed of Hindus and Arabs. Are we, by your vote, supposed to support the mass murder and annihilation of thousands of individuals? This is not why I served my country.


Patricia E Gaskins

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain

Edited by - Trish on 11/05/2001 03:05:10
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SFN Die Hard

5310 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2001 :  03:45:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Trish, I've said I'd watch my attitude toward Rubysue, and I will do the same to you. It may in fact be possible that it has to do with chauvinism. However, if you compare yours and Rubysue's prose with Garrette's and don't see that there is a difference, well, I really don't know what to think. I would say that if Slater had gone on very long with me, I would probably have called him hysterical, too. It seems women have the most patience.

One of the ways that I have said things that may be seen as attacking is to suggest that you seem to think you're right because any other possibility seems to insult you. That's not a condition for rightness. However, now that you're lumping us with conspiracy theorists and flat earthers, I understand your problem with that. I don't think they're the same thing, but I understand it. I'm not sure what to do about it.


Where's the ample evidence? Taking sentences out of context is all the evidence I've seen from you. The student dissertation on Cambodia appears to do the same. Is this the method by which you will expose to the world the cunning and deviousness of Chomsky? Rants, empty assertions, deliberate misconstructions of sentences taken from lengthy speeches, interviews, and articles? Pretty slim evidence. It won't go far with minds that are willing to slog through the oft-tedious analytical steps of Chomsky's work. He lays building block upon building block for his arguments. Where are your blocks? You seem very in line with the sheep mindset of America, not the truly skeptical. That is, skip all the reasons for adopting a position. Just go directly to the position, and bleat how terrific it is to be there. So much for dialogue. So much for the practice of skeptical inquiry and questioning.

You know rubysue - this sounds very like the arguments coming from those who believe the Cydonia Face on Mars is an intelligent contruction, or that the human is too stupid to actually get to the moon, or that the ISS isn't really up there somewhere circling overhead. I just realized this with the language used here. How many times have we heard the argument of the *sheep mindset* blindly following the government and what NASA says.


This is not a sheep mentality. I would suggest to further your argument you refrain from the ad hominem. I've already had this discussion with Gorgo - I will tell you once and once only. Because I do NOT agree with you in no way reduces me to a lack of skepticism. I am Skeptical of YOUR claim and YOUR position. Why, I don't know, maybe I actually enjoy political science - maybe I've actually read something besides one narrow minded view. Maybe I've had friends that can't stand Chomsky's friends and have been exposed to his ill treatment.

And just maybe I'm a little sick and fucking tired of being called a criminal by association. Here's how it works, the government engages in criminal activity, that criminal activity is carried out by the US military, I have five years active duty time under my belt. Hmm, worked in a court of law against Charles Manson and his cult - bet the same argument here would work.

Freedom of speech is freedom to express your opinions. Freedom of speech is not forcing your fucking opinions down my fucking throat. @tomic, Gorgo, LP, rubysue, Lisa, Slater, etc, et al, may at some point agree and some point disagree. However, I hope that we will all see that for what it is. I've noticed that Gorgo tends to call women with whom he argues 'hysterical' or they have no clue what they are talking about - he has however, never done this with Garrette. I think if you read back through the previous posts you will notice this. However, I think it is just possible that we can resolve our differences. I even wonder if Gorgo realizes he's doing this.

@tomic and I don't agree necessarily, but I think he's coming from the point of Santanya (?) Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

You see there is a fundamental difference between you and I SJ. I joined the Marines for many reasons but one reason matters here - I hate war. Sound strange. My first response to the stand up order for DS/S was 'oh FUCK!' The military is necessary and military action is necessary. I understand reality - that is where Chomsky blows it. He's preaching Utopia wrapped up in nice big words. Same as most preachers wandering around. Never, tell me or anyone else that we lack any skepticism because we don't agree with you. That would be a severe lack of it - falling in blindly and following just what you say I should. Baa!

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain

Edited by - Trish on 11/04/2001 21:26:39

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa - Cat Stevens
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