
409 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 14:02:28 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer
Are there or are there not man made satelites orbiting the Earth?
Are there or are there not man made camcorders round Pentagon?
"Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit" (Flattery gets friends, truth hatred) Publius Terentius Afer, "Terence", Roman dramatist
SFN Regular

727 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 14:09:10 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by bigbrain QUOTE MADE BY IDIOT
Are there or are there not man made camcorders round Pentagon?
So, coward, are you going to answer the question?
Are there man-made satellites in orbit around the earth right now? |
"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"
"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?" |
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 14:27:50 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by bigbrain
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer
Are there or are there not man made satelites orbiting the Earth?
Are there or are there not man made camcorders round Pentagon?

Why won't you answer my question? Afraid of the answer?
Bwock! Bwock, bwock, bwock, bwock!
Keep running, coward. The question will not go away.
Are there or are there not man made satelites orbiting the Earth? |
Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils
Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion |

409 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 14:28:41 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Fripp
So, coward, are you going to answer the question?
Are there man-made satellites in orbit around the earth right now?
My superstore has 4 camcorders.
About satellites, tell me a satellite website in which I can see some region of the earth with persons and cars that move. With Google Earth all seems dead. Nothing moves. Thank you
"Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit" (Flattery gets friends, truth hatred) Publius Terentius Afer, "Terence", Roman dramatist
Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 14:50:27 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by bigbrain
Originally posted by Fripp
So, coward, are you going to answer the question?
Are there man-made satellites in orbit around the earth right now?
My superstore has 4 camcorders.
About satellites, tell me a satellite website in which I can see some region of the earth with persons and cars that move. With Google Earth all seems dead. Nothing moves. Thank you

Your superstore has four camcorders. Big deal.
Tell me, Mr. Smartguy, are DirecTV and Dish Network cheating people? You don't need live satelite visual feeds to prove the existance of man made satelites orbiting Earth.
If DirecTV and Disk Network are ripping people off, then why does it work?
Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils
Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion |

409 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 15:14:44 [Permalink]
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer
You don't need live satelite visual feeds to prove the existance of man made satelites orbiting Earth.
I need them to answer your question. I believe only what I see.
"Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit" (Flattery gets friends, truth hatred) Publius Terentius Afer, "Terence", Roman dramatist
Skeptic Friend

141 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 15:19:37 [Permalink]
Another elasmobranch. <image> Port Jackson Shark
Are those things real, or is that image faked? They look like sharks with grouper faces. |
SFN Regular

1990 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 16:20:32 [Permalink]
"We are all connected; to each other biologically, to the earth chemically, to the rest of the universe atomically."
"So you're made of detritus [from exploded stars]. Get over it. Or better yet, celebrate it. After all, what nobler thought can one cherish than that the universe lives within us all?" -Neil DeGrasse Tyson |
SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts |
Posted - 12/19/2005 : 16:23:09 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by sts60
Another elasmobranch. <image> Port Jackson Shark
Are those things real, or is that image faked? They look like sharks with grouper faces.
They are indeed real and quite beautiful. They are mainly crab eaters, along with other invertebrates and harmless to much of anything else. It's mouth and teeth are adapted to the diet. A small shark, 4 or 5 feet is a pretty good sized one.
Elasmobranch hottie:

Torpedo Ray (Electric Ray)

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!
New Member

United Kingdom
12 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 05:46:27 [Permalink]
I also believe what I see BB - how about an image of MY house from space - zoomed in from a very long way out ...

Feel free to cross ceck the Latitude and Longitude figures to get a location-
If you look REALLY carefully you can see my wife in the shadow of the driveway , I'm away since the car isn't in the drive way.....
Live images from space , well perhaps the NRO has access to thse from the KH recon birds , but oherwise , no you wan't get "live" images from space in real time , the bandwidth limits are too great -
However BB - does you car , assuming you have one, have a Sat Nav system in it - if it does - how does it work ... witchcraft? |
"Nac Mac Feegle! The Wee Free Men! Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! We willna be fooled again!" - T. Prattchett - Wee Free Men |
SFN Regular

727 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 06:42:49 [Permalink]
Answer the question: Are there man-made satellites in orbit around the earth right now? |
"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"
"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?" |
Skeptic Friend

141 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 09:21:12 [Permalink]
Live images from space , well perhaps the NRO has access to thse from the KH recon birds , but oherwise , no you wan't get "live" images from space in real time , the bandwidth limits are too great -
You can get "live" still images, i.e., images which are downlinked immediately as they are taken. The commercial imaging satellite systems I worked on (ground segment) can do that for one meter resolution images, for example. (OK, the bird that actually went into orbit can; the one that went into the Pacific can't!) You can dispense with that phone-book-reading, live-color-video-tracking-a-guy-through-a-crowd-on-a-moment's notice Hollywood baloney, however.
The real issue, though, is that when HBs claim that such-and-such couldn't happen due to the "impossibility" of something to do with astrogation or propulsion, they fly in the face of the reality of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of business done every year. Such business (including the commercial imaging satellite system on which I worked, currently orbiting, taking pictures, and generating revenue for its owner) absolutely relies on the correctness of the principles worked out by Newton, Kepler, Tsiolkovsky, Einstein, Goddard, and others.
Moreover, these same principles (or at least the relevant subsets) apply whether you are analyzing the motion of a geostationary communications satellite, a deep-space probe, the Earth, Titan, Pluto's two small moons, an Apollo CSM or LM, an outgassing comet, or any other celestial body whether natural or artificial. If they didn't, astronomy wouldn't work; most intercontinental television, radio, and telephony wouldn't work; aircraft relying on GPS would routinely fly into mountains, and shippers would have no clue where their ships and trucks are; you would have nothing to fear from nuclear missiles as they could never be directed successfully (good); but your first warning of a hurricane would be the rising winds (bad).
But none of this matters to the HB, for he (the most persistent ones seem to be male) alone understands what all the scientists and engineers and astronomers and television viewers and long-distance phone callers and pilots and ship captains and hikers and meteorologists and multi-billion dollar investors do not: reality is what conforms to his expectations, and there is no penalty for denying that which disagrees with his worldview, even while benefiting from it daily. After all, for the incurably, determinedly, and blissfully ignorant, there is always the dole. |

409 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 12:26:51 [Permalink]
Originally posted by sts60
You can get "live" still images, i.e., images which are downlinked immediately as they are taken. The commercial imaging satellite systems I worked on (ground segment) can do that for one meter resolution images, for example.
OK, then tell me how and where I can see live images from a satellite. I'd like to see trucks moving in your large roads. Thank you.
"Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit" (Flattery gets friends, truth hatred) Publius Terentius Afer, "Terence", Roman dramatist
SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 13:13:30 [Permalink]
Ex-ol' lady elasmobranch:

Basking Shark
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres
"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude
Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,
and Crypto-Communist!
SFN Regular

727 Posts |
Posted - 12/20/2005 : 13:21:09 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by bigbrain OK, then tell me how and where I can see live images from a satellite. I'd like to see trucks moving in your large roads.
Nope. Wrong. You need to tell us whether or not there are satellites in orbit around the earth. Quit stalling. Everybody has answered your inane stupidities ad nauseum. You have YET to answer one question that has been asked of you, including this one which has been asked some 200 times.
Are there man-made satellites in orbit around the Earth right now? |
"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2-meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! You have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?!?!"
"What? Oh, oh, 'just rebuild it'? Oh, real [bleep]ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole? You? You got an ATM on that torso LiteBrite?" |