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The Imperfectionist

4955 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  03:10:56  Show Profile Send Cuneiformist a Private Message
I have a question regarding the smilies. Specifically, why in the hell
in this smiley:

Is the guy getting hit with a fish? Of all the things on earth that you could dream up to hit someone with-- in smiley-world, of course-- why a fish? What about a hammer? Or a bowling pin? Or a pillow?

Just wondering!

SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  04:11:53   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Originally posted by Cuneiformist

I have a question regarding the smilies. Specifically, why in the hell
in this smiley:

Is the guy getting hit with a fish? Of all the things on earth that you could dream up to hit someone with-- in smiley-world, of course-- why a fish? What about a hammer? Or a bowling pin? Or a pillow?

Just wondering!

Obviously you have never been smacked across the chops by a 29#, frozen mackerel.

Well, neither have I, but it would certainly cause me to rethink my position.....

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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Evil Skeptic

13479 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:01:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
Originally posted by Cuneiformist

I have a question regarding the smilies. Specifically, why in the hell
in this smiley:

Is the guy getting hit with a fish? Of all the things on earth that you could dream up to hit someone with-- in smiley-world, of course-- why a fish? What about a hammer? Or a bowling pin? Or a pillow?

Just wondering!

Just for the halibut. Stop carping. Scale down the whining, chum.

Okay, I'm finished…

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

Genetic Literacy Project
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:04:45   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Given the color, I happen to think that the fish is actually a red herring. But maybe that's just me.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
Why not question something for a change?
Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too.
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SFN Die Hard

4907 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:16:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Ricky an AOL message Send Ricky a Private Message
Kil, I hope you have a permit to go fishing for puns like that.

Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug their superstitions to their breast.
- Isaac Asimov
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Evil Skeptic

13479 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:19:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
Originally posted by Ricky

Kil, I hope you have a permit to go fishing for puns like that.

I'm just casting to see if anything bytes...

edited slightly for more punch

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

Genetic Literacy Project
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SFN Regular

1888 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:28:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send moakley a Private Message
I agree with Cune. I floundered quite a while with its sigfishicance.

Life is good

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned. -Anonymous
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The Imperfectionist

4955 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  05:45:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Cuneiformist a Private Message
Originally posted by moakley

I agree with Cune. I floundered quite a while with its sigfishicance.
Ugh-- it's like Wednesday chat right here on the formus!
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SFN Die Hard

4907 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  08:00:07   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Ricky an AOL message Send Ricky a Private Message
I'm just casting to see if anything bytes...

No, no bytes. Only two nibbles. (computer joke)

Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug their superstitions to their breast.
- Isaac Asimov
Edited by - Ricky on 04/17/2006 08:00:28
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  08:28:03   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
Word to your CPU, Ricky.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
Evidently, I rock!
Why not question something for a change?
Visit Dave's Psoriasis Info, too.
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Valiant Dancer
Forum Goalie

4826 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  08:47:36   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Valiant Dancer's Homepage Send Valiant Dancer a Private Message
Originally posted by Cuneiformist

I have a question regarding the smilies. Specifically, why in the hell
in this smiley:

Is the guy getting hit with a fish? Of all the things on earth that you could dream up to hit someone with-- in smiley-world, of course-- why a fish? What about a hammer? Or a bowling pin? Or a pillow?

Just wondering!

Just conjecture, here.

Anyone remember the fish slapping dance from Monty Python's Flying Circus?

Cthulhu/Asmodeus when you're tired of voting for the lesser of two evils

Brother Cutlass of Reasoned Discussion
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SFN Die Hard

4907 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  09:33:36   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Ricky an AOL message Send Ricky a Private Message
Originally posted by Dave W.

Word to your CPU, Ricky.

Make it a double.

Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug their superstitions to their breast.
- Isaac Asimov
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SFN Addict

2998 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  09:50:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit pleco's Homepage Send pleco a Private Message

by Filthy
The neo-con methane machine will soon be running at full fart.
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Evil Skeptic

13479 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  10:27:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message
Originally posted by pleco


Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

Why not question something for a change?

Genetic Literacy Project
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SFN Addict

2998 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  10:34:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit pleco's Homepage Send pleco a Private Message
I can't say much - I write computer software professionally and I am right now installing and configuring a linux box...

by Filthy
The neo-con methane machine will soon be running at full fart.
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Skeptic Friend

198 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2006 :  14:17:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send trogdor a Private Message
Originally posted by Valiant Dancer

Originally posted by Cuneiformist

I have a question regarding the smilies. Specifically, why in the hell
in this smiley:

Is the guy getting hit with a fish? Of all the things on earth that you could dream up to hit someone with-- in smiley-world, of course-- why a fish? What about a hammer? Or a bowling pin? Or a pillow?

Just wondering!

Just conjecture, here.

Anyone remember the fish slapping dance from Monty Python's Flying Circus?

that's what I assumed it was about.

all eyes were on Ford Prefect. some of them were on stalks.
-Douglas Adams
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