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 Scary Domestic Terrorists
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Skeptic Friend

141 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  12:37:09  Show Profile  Visit dimossi's Homepage  Send dimossi an AOL message Send dimossi a Private Message
Our own domestic terrorists are some scary people:
<a href=",1284,48692,00.html">Abortion Clinics on New Net Alert</a>

I would hope that our government would put as much effort into finding these Christian "evil-doers" as they are puting into finding the Islamic "evil-doers".

"Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astonishing universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy." [Carl Sagan]

SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  12:41:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
But, but....Bush agrees with THEM. Arrest his buddies that put him in office - please!

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain
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Posted - 11/29/2001 :  13:07:40   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Hmm, don't agree with someone? Murder them. Different set of beliefs? Murder them. People obeying the law, minding their own business, but you find it offensive? Bang bang.
I think it has become a fundie creed.
Although I think most fundies would agree this guy is a tad whacked.

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  13:28:25   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Agree he's a tad whacked while silently cheering him on. I think. I think Bush is just fine with what this guy does. I bet Bush would like to see capital punishment applied against abortion doctors and clinic workers. Even that would be too far outside the mainstream for him. His kind of thinking is very scary.

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain
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Posted - 11/29/2001 :  13:50:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit PhDreamer's Homepage Send PhDreamer a Private Message
I just heard on NPR that this guy is the prime suspect in at least some of the abortion clinic anthrax hoaxes. Stay tuned....

Adventure? Excitement? A Jedi craves not these things. - Silent Bob
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SFN Regular

751 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  14:17:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit gezzam's Homepage Send gezzam a Private Message
Why is it that violence always seems to be the answer with these people? If you don't agree with my point of view then fuck it , I'll bash or kill you.

They are just evil little men that should be put in small rooms with no windows.

"Damn you people. Go back to your shanties." --- Shooter McGavin
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Skeptic Friend

73 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  15:04:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send sega a Private Message

I think Bush is just fine with what this guy does. I bet Bush would like to see capital punishment applied against abortion doctors and clinic workers. Even that would be too far outside the mainstream for him. His kind of thinking is very scary.

What kind of illogical crap is this!!? Are you a psychic?? How do you know what Bush thinks??

Let me make a counterstatement.

Good thing Al Gore didn't win the election, I think he would have given a permanent cabinet position to Charles Manson. You know Manson stated that he killed all those folks so he could enjoy the natural wonders of the world undisturbed by annoying little piggies. Thats what Al Gore thinks, he's a tree you know.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.

Bush is anti abortion, and Gore is supposedly for the environment, but these things are a poor foundation for wild speculation of how the bent, rusty, gears in these political minds actually work.

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SFN Regular

1223 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2001 :  17:07:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message


I think Bush is just fine with what this guy does. I bet Bush would like to see capital punishment applied against abortion doctors and clinic workers. Even that would be too far outside the mainstream for him. His kind of thinking is very scary.

What kind of illogical crap is this!!? Are you a psychic?? How do you know what Bush thinks??

Let me make a counterstatement.

Good thing Al Gore didn't win the election, I think he would have given a permanent cabinet position to Charles Manson. You know Manson stated that he killed all those folks so he could enjoy the natural wonders of the world undisturbed by annoying little piggies. Thats what Al Gore thinks, he's a tree you know.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.

Bush is anti abortion, and Gore is supposedly for the environment, but these things are a poor foundation for wild speculation of how the bent, rusty, gears in these political minds actually work.

No, no psychic reading needed here. We have press releases. Shrub agrees with his dad. I you don't believe in a sky fairy, you shouldn't have citizenship. Cool. Anyone here want to stack their military record against mine? (Since, '81, give me a break) I know Shrub can't. He was put in the National Guard, and still couldn't manage to report for duty. But I guess I'm evil, since I pulled my 20 and can find countries on a map without a bevy of advisors.
This is not an apology for Gore. Despite his new "Commander Riker" look, I still don't trust him. He's so slick, I swear he'd slide uphill. The whole campaign finance thing really turned me off. You got the money from where?
The comparison of Gore to Manson was a little overdone. True at times he seems a little too concerned with the environment and a little vague on international politics. I still don't think he would advocate murdering a pregnant woman, hanging her upside down, ripping open her belly, dragging out the fetus, and writing on the walls with their blood. Just my opinion, of course.
Question: out of the millions in this country, is this really the best we could do?

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2001 :  07:32:17   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
I think Bush is just fine with what this guy does. I bet Bush would like to see capital punishment applied against abortion doctors and clinic workers. Even that would be too far outside the mainstream for him. His kind of thinking is very scary.

What kind of illogical crap is this!!? Are you a psychic?? How do you know what Bush thinks??

Let me make a counterstatement.

Good thing Al Gore didn't win the election, I think he would have given a permanent cabinet position to Charles Manson. You know Manson stated that he killed all those folks so he could enjoy the natural wonders of the world undisturbed by annoying little piggies. Thats what Al Gore thinks, he's a tree you know.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.

Bush is anti abortion, and Gore is supposedly for the environment, but these things are a poor foundation for wild speculation of how the bent, rusty, gears in these political minds actually work.

Well, I missed this. Good thing Lisa so well understands what I was implying. It's out there elsewhere on this board - I didn't vote for Gore and I didn't vote for the Shrub.

Sega, my point is that Bush is a fundamentalist. As Lisa so well pointed out - he agrees with his father:

..........George Bush
The following exchange took place at the Chicago airport between Robert I. Sherman of American Atheist Press and former President George Bush, on August 27 1988. Sherman is a fully accredited reporter, and was present by invitation as a member of the press corps. The Republican presidential nominee was there to announce federal disaster relief for Illinois. The discussion turned to the presidential primary:

RS: "What will you do to win the votes of Americans who are atheists?"

GB: "I guess I'm pretty weak in the atheist community. Faith in God is important to me."

RS: "Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists?"

GB: "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

RS: "Do you support as a sound constitutional principle the separation of state and church?"

GB: "Yes, I support the separation of church and state. I'm just not very high on atheists."

The exchange appeared in the Boulder Daily Camera on Monday February 27, 1989. It can also be found in "Free Inquiry" magazine, Fall 1988 issue, Volume 8, Number 4, page 16.

Well I was on active military service at the time. The extreme xian right frightens the shit out of me. These cretins would like nothing more than to institute a theocracy in the good old US of A. My (not even comparable to Lisa's 20) five years of honorable service with Uncle Sam's Misguided Children are not considered an act of patriotic duty because I'm an atheist.

Screw that. Oh and I never said that's what Bush thinks - I said I think Bush agrees with them without stating it - because even that is too far out for the average American citizen. I said I bet - he would like to see the death penalty for abortion doctors and clinic workers. I can take a reasonable stab at the fact that he supports capital punishment and a reasonable stab at the fact that he considers abortion immoral. I can even extropolate a conclusion from my reasonable stabs. I do have some supporting evidence for these reasonable stabs and the conclusion coincides with all the evidence - except for the radical mindset - but hell he even tried appointing a Biblical Law Activist to a cabinet position. Hello! Yes, I think I can reasonably say that Bush is hopelessly in the clutches of the extremely far far political right. That this concept would not be beyond the conception of those with whom he surrounds himself. Illogical crap. Maybe - but the evidence damn sure points down that fucking road.

Your Manson is nothing more than a strawman capable of being blown apart by the slightest gust of wind. Sega - pay attention to who your government leaders attempt to surround themselves.

I suppose I should say that at least the senior Bush says he supporst separation of church and state - I don't see any action on the part of the junior Bush to indicate this support of separation of church and state.

It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. -Mark Twain

Edited by - Trish on 12/25/2001 07:34:44
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New Member

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Posted - 12/25/2001 :  09:11:49   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit hatten_jc's Homepage Send hatten_jc a Private Message

Our own domestic terrorists are some scary people:
Abortion Clinics on New Net Alert

I would hope that our government would put as much effort into finding these Christian "evil-doers" as they are puting into finding the Islamic "evil-doers".

"Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astonishing universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy." [Carl Sagan]

The problem with Fanatics that they need somthing evile so that they look relly good and religius fanatics find the "evile" in the bibel from dusty old quote that have no sens and then they become terrorist/holly worrior depending on how you ask.

Personly there ought to be shoot mony on the heads of fanatichs and the Prist that have brain whase them to bomb clinics.

Never underestimate a human's capacity for active stupidity.
Sorry about my lousy English ? can we talk in Swedish :)
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SFN Regular

751 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2001 :  14:51:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit gezzam's Homepage Send gezzam a Private Message
GB: "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

One nation under god.....good one.

Our Prime Minister is not unlike George Dubya, he is rooted in the 50's. Unfortunately as he leads our country backwards in time, we continue to lose face in world politics.....

How can we continue to be a nation, when our prime minister refuses to have a referendum to become a republic......christ, we can't honestly be our own country as long as we have the flag of another nation incorporated in our own.

You guys are so proud of your history and the fact that you pissed off England 200 odd years ago....I just wish we could do the same.....

Hardly relevent to the above topic but I couldn't stop once I got going....sorry

"Damn you people. Go back to your shanties." --- Shooter McGavin
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SFN Regular

754 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2001 :  17:56:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send James a Yahoo! Message Send James a Private Message

Hmm, don't agree with someone? Murder them. Different set of beliefs? Murder them. People obeying the law, minding their own business, but you find it offensive? Bang bang.
I think it has become a fundie creed.

Wait, didn't the fundies fall in with the NRA a couple decades back?

RS: "Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists?"

GB: "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

If I weren't in school right now, I'd be searching for the lowest prices out of this country. At least until the next election and we get someone better in here. At least one not so religious. One of the few times I wish the curse would happen and succeed...

Our Prime Minister is not unlike George Dubya, he is rooted in the 50's. Unfortunately as he leads our country backwards in time, we continue to lose face in world politics.....

Would someone care to let me know where and when he got that time machine of his? There are a couple of things I gotta change back in my childhood.

"Necessity may be the mother of invention, but laziness is usually the father." -Bailey's First Law
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Skeptic Friend

431 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2001 :  18:40:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Zandermann an AOL message Send Zandermann a Private Message
Our own domestic terrorists are some scary people:
Abortion Clinics on New Net Alert

I would hope that our government would put as much effort into finding these Christian "evil-doers" as they are puting into finding the Islamic "evil-doers".
The article which dimossi references here is dated 29 Nov.

Clayton Waagner was arrested here in Ohio on Wed 05 Dec and is now back in custody in Illinois...where I hope they throw all available books at him.

"If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead."

Edited by - Zandermann on 12/25/2001 18:48:00
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SFN Regular

842 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2001 :  19:51:56   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send ljbrs a Private Message
These Christian Evil-Doers think that a tiny zygote is fully human. Anybody that stupid (or ignorant, if you prefer) is capable of anything.

In some countries, women who do not regularly get pregnant are terrorized by the self-annointed Bible-toting authorities.


"Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error." Goethe
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