Orwellingly Yurz
SFN Regular

529 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2006 : 21:47:28
YO! Just THIS In...but STILL fit to post...
OY sez: As the character, Gordon Gekko declared in the film, "Wall Street," "Greed is good!"
"The modern conservative...is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." --John Kenneth Galbraith
If dogs run free Then what must be, Must be... And that is all --Bob Dylan
The neo-cons have gotten welfare for themselves down to a fine art. --me
"The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights." --J. Paul Getty
"The great thing about Art isn't what it give us, but what we become through it." --Oscar Wilde
"We have Art in order not to die of life." --Albert Camus
"I cling like a miser to the freedom I lose when surrounded by an abundance of things." --Albert Camus
"Experience is the name so many people give to their mistakes." --Oscar Wilde |