SFN Regular

1278 Posts |
Posted - 01/07/2007 : 07:33:44 [Permalink]
quote: Originally posted by Dude
quote: One would be sex. A fundamentalist christian will not want to have sex before marriage
That is a myth.
Sure, there are some people who abide by that old rule and don't have premarital sex, but the majority (probably a large majority too) of people are to busy boning/getting boned to pay much attention to that rule.
Remember the study done on teens who took that "virginity oath"? It showed that the ones who took the oath were having more, and more varied kinds of, sex than teens who didn't take it.
True. When writing what I did I was having someone in mind who is consistent in her beliefs. In the case you are describing above, it would not be a good match for a different reason. I have an extreme dislike for hypocricy and will not refrain from pointing out to others when they are being inconsistent. I would be very quick to point out that her behavior was not in line with the teachings she held on too, which I can only imagine would put a further strain on the relationship. |
`Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, `if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.' -Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll- |
SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2007 : 00:10:43 [Permalink]
quote: which I can only imagine would put a further strain on the relationship.
Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong. -- Thomas Jefferson
"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin
Hope, n. The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth |
SFN Die Hard

3739 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2007 : 18:51:43 [Permalink]
Master Yoda wrote: quote: The real key is whether your beliefs define you or merely a part of you.
I see what you're saying and I agree with much of it. However, I have never dated anyone other than atheists and agnostics, and I don't think I could ever marry a person with religious faith. But I also do not feel that my atheism defines me. It is a part of me - a big part - but it does not define who I am. I have religious friends and family who are very close to me, and I cultivate religious tolerance and respect for non-fundamentalist religious beliefs. But for me marriage is such a deeply intimate relationship, and my philosophy preoccupies so much of my thoughts, I simply can't imagine being life partners with someone whose worldview was profoundly different from mine. It would feel like we couldn't share something that I feel life-partners should share. Of course this is just my humble view, and this is sort of easy for me to say considering that male freethinkers far outnumber female freethinkers. |
"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong
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