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Skeptic Friend

141 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2007 :  09:39:38  Show Profile Send sts60 a Private Message
I tried to search but didn't find the old thread on BlackLight Power, Randall Mills, and the whole "hydrino" thing. Most of us thought it was bogus, but I recall one enthusiastic defender. Anyway, it came to mind recently after I reread Bob Parks' excellent Voodoo Science, and I wondered if anything new had developed.

A quick glance at shows that they are publishing modeling software and the "Grand Unified Theory of Classical QM", which should be standing physics on its head and snapping up Nobel Prizes like popcorn. Such is not the case, and one has to assume that BLP's facilities still have those darned power lines coming in from the utilities.

Now, the inability to produce your own power after more than a decade does not automatically disprove the whole thing - after all, we've been working on controlled fusion for much longer - but fusion has a well-established theoretical and experimental basis, the latter of which can be observed on any non-overcast day. Mills and co. don't seem to be making any inroads into the scientific consensus, however.

Is the BLP proponent still around - sorry, I don't remember your name - and do you have any comments?

Dave W.
Info Junkie

26024 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2007 :  10:18:51   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message
BlackLight Power Inc. : too good to be true?. And Markie is probably the member you're thinking of, but he hasn't logged on in over 14 months.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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Skeptic Friend

141 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2007 :  13:41:33   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send sts60 a Private Message
Yep, thanks. On page 8 markie mentioned
So "just months" from unveiling a prototype. But how *many* months? :)

At least 15 months, since that was November '05.

Funny that I mentioned fusion, and how long it has taken to actually produce power, in the OP here. I just picked up a book discussing the U.S. controlled-fusion program, discussing the problems and "promising" results. The various methods for initiating fusion were mentioned, but not the use of lasers.

That was because the book was written before lasers were invented.
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