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SFN Regular

1990 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2001 :  22:20:15   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Randy a Private Message
Well, I know what you're saying Lisa,...I was a pack and a halfer for many years. Had arythmia myself, but it completely disapeared after quitting smoking.
Got concerned there for a bit for you. Please keep to your guns and work on that quitting deal.
I'd recommend to just try to cruise a notch or two lower-keyed thru the week, then just fall right into that great guy's arms next Friday!
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SFN Regular

1990 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2001 :  22:47:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Randy a Private Message
Tobacco behemoth Philip-Morris recently announced
that it is acquiring food monstrosity Nabisco.
"Hmmm..." wondered aloud, "What
new products can we expect to see now?"

The Top 15 New Products from Philip Morris/Nabisco

15. Nutter Lung-Butters
14. The $100,000 Limited Liability No Recourse Bar
13. "ElfMakers" Growth-Stunting Tobacco Snacks for Youngsters
12. Cig Newtons
11. "Dips Ahoy!" Chewing Tobacco
10. Gummi Lungs
9. Mallotars -- Now chewier with 30% more tar!
8. Uneeda Tracheotomy Biscuits
7. Barnum's Laboratory Animal Crackers
6. Lungs 'R' Doomed Shortbreath Cookies
5. Hackwell's Cookies
4. Killa Wafers
3. Marlboro Man Salty Nuts
2. Chemo-Wheat Hot Cereal

and the Number 1 New Product from Philip Morris/Nabisco...

1. Planter's 6-Feet-Under Party Mix

New Products from Philip Morris/Nabisco
Runner Up submissions

"Indian Givers" -- 50% Life Savers, 50% Cigarettes

"Now and..." (no "Later")

Butts Ahoy!

Easy Wheeze Pasteurized Process Tobacco Spread

Flamin' Triscuit Lightable Wheat 'n Tobacco Wafers

Fudge Scientific Data Bars

Lips Ahoy!

Mallomarlboro 100's

Nic-Bone Brand Doggie Stimulant Treats

NicOreos -- "No need for the patch, just stuff your face!"

Oreos -- Unfiltered *and* Menthol!

Ritz Bits (of lung)

Short-of-Breath Savers

Wheeze Nips

Zwieback Chewin' Tobacco -- "So gross, you'll never know the difference!"

'Bacca Wafers

Brown Poupon Lung-Clearing Mustard

BubbleYum Smoker's Gum -- "Now you CAN smoke and chew gum at the same time!"

ButtBreath Mints

Chaw Ahoy!

Chips O'Death

Cream of Weed

Double-Puff Oreos

Keebler Elf-killing Cancer Cookies

Life Enders hard candy

Lobbyists Pot-Sweetening Powder

Miller Genuine Draft Snack Stix -- "The chewy beer snack!"

Pall Mallomars

Pixie Cancer Stix

Polyps Ahoy!

Smoke'm Now & Worry Laters

Tobacky-O's Breakfast Cereal

Tracheotomy Thins

Tumor Tots

Uneeda Lung

Uneeda Nuddacig
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SFN Regular

1223 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2001 :  22:53:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Randy: Take it back a notch? I HAVE taken it back a notch!! As to what I was like on active duty, use your imagination!.

Chaos...Confusion...Destruction...My Work Here Is Done
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SFN Regular

1990 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2001 :  23:05:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Randy a Private Message
Anyone else notice the recent flurry of Phillip Morris TV P.R. ads? Like the one of
"Here at Phillip Morris, we care. That's why we sent 5 tons of food to Bosnia."

The ad has a background of syrupy music, a helicopter, a beautiful woman, and a child in it.

God-do-mite! What an load of hooie! (They left out they also contribute to shortening the lifes of a half a million Americans each year! AND the fact they have to cough up a THIRD OF A TRILLION DOLLARS to various state agencies for damages!
....Just wanted to point that out! :-)

Oh, the last frame of the ad says brought to you by the good folks at Phillip Morris......
Kraft Products...........Miller High Life

(cigs, cheese, and beer!)
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SFN Regular

1990 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2001 :  23:07:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Randy a Private Message

Randy: Take it back a notch? I HAVE taken it back a notch!! As to what I was like on active duty, use your imagination!.

10-4 Lisa,....just a figure of speech!
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2001 :  01:25:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Thanks for the info Randy, it's something we all need to keep in mind while we're quitting and even more so to keep us from starting again.

I agree with Lisa, since I've been out, my smoking has decreased sharply.

He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
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SFN Regular

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Posted - 06/11/2001 :  12:34:19   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message
I used to smoke. Started when I was 16, quit when I was 22. One day I just decided to quit. No patch, no support group, no weeks of being a complete asshole to everyone then trying to blame it on lack of nicotine. I'm just lucky my brain works that way. I just wish people like me (who have found quitting so easy) would realize that people's brain chemistries can vary greatly, and what can be a mild addiction/habit for some, can be an unstoppable addiction for others. Good luck and keep it up, just realize that you have to really want to quit to be able to.

/steps up onto soapbox

On another note, I'm quite surprised at the "hate" speeches and the "smokers are idiotic lowlifes" sentiments that are present here. Smoking is just one of many bad 'habits' humans enjoy, and it certainly isn't the most deadly.

In the vast majority of smokers, most detrimental effects don't happen until well into the latter stages of life. Building cars that break 100mph kills people of all ages everyday, drivers and passengers, and people who just happen to be sharing the road with them at a bad time. Smoking only harms the one who smokes.

Only 10% of smokers get lung cancer. What we eat is more harmful overall than what we toke. Do you hate fast food corporations with the same passion? (Whether or not you should is a different discussion, I'm just looking for consistency here). Do you hate fat people, and think they are idiotic lowlifes? Why not? What's the difference?

/steps off soapbox, and ducks behind the firewall!


Gambatte kudasai!

Edited by - tokyodreamer on 06/11/2001 12:42:34
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SFN Regular

1668 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2001 :  13:07:36   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Slater a Private Message

Smoking only harms the one who smokes.

I lost both my mother and my brother to smoking. I've never picked up a cigarette myself but I feel greatly harmed.

One thing to keep in mind while you are trying to quit has nothing to do with health.

Smoking STINKS.

It makes your hair stink, you clothes, the room you are in and anybody standing near you stink.
Any perfume you use, any soap or deodorant is all for nothing.
If you smoke just one cigarette in a room twenty four hours later that room will still smell bad.
Maybe only a small percentage of smokers get cancer but 100% are anti-social.
So go for it Trish! Stop today!

When the dead talk -- they talk to him
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2001 :  16:43:30   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Only 10% of smokers get lung cancer. What we eat is more harmful overall than what we toke. Do you hate fast food corporations with the same passion? (Whether or not you should is a different discussion, I'm just looking for consistency here). Do you hate fat people, and think they are idiotic lowlifes? Why not? What's the difference?

I don't like fast food. Try to avoid it if possible. Fat is not necessarily a result of laziness, there are undiagnosed medical conditions that cause weight gain. I personally am on medication for one of those medical conditions. I really hate the hold cigarettes have on me and I know I use them as a de-stresser especially since I can't run anymore due to bad knees.

He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
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SFN Regular

1447 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2001 :  21:16:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message


Smoking only harms the one who smokes.

I lost both my mother and my brother to smoking. I've never picked up a cigarette myself but I feel greatly harmed.

You can certainly look at it that way, and it is a valid point. But my point is consistency. I hear all these people talking about the horrors of smoking, I see absolutely ridiculous anti-smoking commercials that depict 20-somethings in body bags (how many people under the age of 55 have died of smoking related deaths? Certainly not nearly enough to justify such propoganda), and people basically picking this one issue to rail against like there has been a scourge like no other in history. Any choice that a person makes that is as potentially fatal (we're talking statistics here) should be judged as harshly, or smoking should not be judged as harshly as it is.

If you had lost a mother and a brother to skydiving, would you blame the skydiving industry? You'd certainly be hurt just as much I'd assume. (I feel bad about using your loss as an example, but since you brought it up, I hope you'll forgive me).

Anyway, this is an entirely philosophical viewpoint, and has nothing directly to do with tobacco (I feel the same way about the cell-phones-while-driving witchhunt, maybe that would be a less inflammatory example). It most certainly is unhealthy, and I would highly recommend anyone quit, of course. My father has had 4 heart attacks because of build up in his arteries after years of smoking. Of course, he only needed 1 angiogram to convince him to quit after the first heart attack.

I wish you the best of luck in quiting, Trish. But unlike some here, apparently, I will not 'hate' you or think you are an 'idiotic lowlife' for smoking.


Gambatte kudasai!
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2001 :  23:52:13   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
I wish you the best of luck in quiting, Trish. But unlike some here, apparently, I will not 'hate' you or think you are an 'idiotic lowlife' for smoking.

Thanks Tokyodreamer. I really don't think anyone here 'hates' me for smoking but rather 'hates' the habit of smoking. I know I hate this terrible habit that *seems* to have such a hold. (Though I know I use it as a crutch and allow the hold it has, philosophically at least. Now if I can move this philosophy into practice and break the hold...) As for 'idiotic lowlife'. Well smoking, with our current knowledge of it's ramifications, you have to be pretty idiotic to start and to continue...(yes, I'm an idiot for smoking, and I can say that without putting myself down.) As for cigarettes, I look at them like their a poisonous snake and I still light the damn things up. Pretty idiotic, running through the litany of things these things can do to me and still smoking.

Anyway, I have an appointment and am going to ask about the Zyban...

He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
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The Rat
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Posted - 06/17/2001 :  00:07:25   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit The Rat's Homepage Send The Rat a Private Message
Good luck. I was an 'on and off' smoker for years, gradually tapered to a 'social smoker' and finally kicked it about 13 years ago. It helped that my girlfriend, now my wife, is a non-smoker, and didn't like me coming near her when I reeked of smoke.

While we're on the subject, here's something I would like to see; the banning of filtered cigarettes. First, I don't think that they do much anyway. If you're going to smoke, then SMOKE! Second, they are a littering eyesore. They take forever to break down in the environment, and there is evidence of a choking hazard to some species of wildlife. A plain butt will only consist of some thin paper and some tobacco leaf, and disappears quickly.

Now, you didn't think that I was going to be all serious, did you? Do you really think that I would not try to inject some of my... uhm... unusual brand of humour? O.K. If you want an incentive to quit, try this.

Q; What's the worst thing about having a lung transplant?

A; The first few times you cough you wind up with a mouthful of someone else's phlegm.


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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2001 :  00:25:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Q; What's the worst thing about having a lung transplant?

A; The first few times you cough you wind up with a mouthful of someone else's phlegm.

Thank you for the *delightful* picture there Rat.

I will quit, I will quit, I will quit, somehow, someway, I will quit!

He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
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SFN Regular

1223 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2001 :  11:27:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Well Trish, it's been a couple of weeks, so how's it going. I've not made too much progress. One thing I have done is really taken up walking with a vengance. 6 - 10 miles a day, unless there's lightning bolts to be avoided. And no, I don't take the smokes with me. Twofold benefit: an hour or two without the smokes, and I'm finally dropping some tonnage.
Trying to tackle two problems like this at the same time is a real bitch. My goals are: stop or drastically cut down on the tobacco, and get back into my size 7 junior jeans by the end of summer. I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong summer.

Chaos...Confusion...Destruction...My Work Here Is Done
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SFN Addict

2102 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2001 :  22:08:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Trish a Private Message
Well Trish, it's been a couple of weeks, so how's it going. I've not made too much progress. One thing I have done is really taken up walking...

My goals are: stop or drastically cut down on the tobacco, and get back into my size 7 junior jeans by the end of summer. I have a feeling this is going to be a looooong summer.

Well, have cut back sharply since finding a new job (yea!) My new job involves a considerable amount of walking...

While off my meds for a year I gained an incredible 45 lbs - now I am trying to shed those extra pounds plus quit...

Yeah, it's gonna be a loooooooong summer.

He's YOUR god, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
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