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 AIG's fairness ploy
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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2002 :  22:38:21  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message
Thought you might be interested to see how the creationists put a spin on the fairness issue in their newest article.
"". Take note especially of the last few lines where they so it's time to go on to elementary school libraries with that stuff!

The following is a letter I wrote to the National Center for Science Education on how to deal with this. If anyone has any better ideas, let me know, or rather, let them know!
This is the best I could think up.

"It seems to me that the only way to expose their false pleas for "fairness" would be to show those libraries all the misquotes and mistakes these people make in their "research". Perhaps having your members recommend your own journals to those places to try to offset these guys (your "Setting the Record Straight" could maybe help!). Of course, that wouldn't be nearly enough; what could also be mentioned to them is a web-site list (including and Stear's site: "No Answers in Genesis") . Only when the intended creationist audience sees the misquotes and mistakes (and the shabby way they treat non-creationists) will the public realize what a sham their claim is."

Thanks for reading,

SFN Regular

775 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2002 :  03:36:10   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tim a Private Message
I can picture most librarians tossing one of these letters in the trash can. However, there is that odd duck librarian out there somewhere.

On the other hand, I do not see why a public or school library cannot keep this magazine, as long as it is displayed in the religion section rather than the science section. Unfortunately, most small libraries display their magazines in one rather mixed up section.

"The Constitution ..., is a marvelous document for self-government by Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society." P. Robertson
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SFN Regular

1613 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2002 :  03:38:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
The first sentence in the article says it all:
"Looking for a unique opportunity to get out the Gospel?"

"God-as revealed in his book of edicts and narratives is practically an idiot. He has nothing to say that any sensible person should want to listen to."
-- Johann Most
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2002 :  06:19:01   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
I think that the last sentence is far more eloquent; a request for a handout.

Good letter, Ignored.


"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."--Benjamin Franklin, _Poor_Richard_, 1758
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Skeptic Friend

61 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2002 :  09:44:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send jec96 a Private Message
GAG!...Sorry, had to get the words of that letter out of my throat..How can you actually call anything that begins with the phrase "...get out the gospel" anything other than biblical pandering? The twisted lengths that Creation Scientists and there ilk will go never fails to amaze me..Maybe there will be an evolutionary split soon, or in the works now, where those that still cower at the thunder and hide in proverbial caves lest the gods strike them dead can go one way, and those who look to the stars and see humans as masters of their own fate and recognize our unlimited potential unfettered by chains of religion can drive on . Sorry to ramble on, but this can sometimes be too much.

-It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
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New Member

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Posted - 04/10/2002 :  12:07:27   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit SueW0's Homepage  Send SueW0 an AOL message Send SueW0 a Private Message
Get out the Gospel? Yeah, I''d like to get it out - out of public schools, out of government, out of the way of progress...

Maybe there will be an evolutionary split soon, or in the works now, where those that still cower at the thunder and hide in proverbial caves lest the gods strike them dead can go one way, and those who look to the stars and see humans as masters of their own fate and recognize our unlimited potential unfettered by chains of religion can drive on .

If that happens, the first group will out-propagate the second. They''re under direct command from God to be fruitful and multiply.


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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2002 :  17:20:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message
Well, here's the reply I got back from NCSE


Thanks very much for your e-mail concerning AIG's efforts to get creationist material in school libraries. With so many school libraries out there, it is of course difficult to monitor them, or send information to them, individually, so probably our best bet is to work with school library associations to inform their members about the relevant legal, scientific, and librarianary (if that's a word) issues. This is among the projects that NCSE is actively pursuing.

That last sentence looks like some good news, anyway.

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SFN Regular

754 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2002 :  05:19:03   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send James a Yahoo! Message Send James a Private Message

Well, here's the reply I got back from NCSE


Thanks very much for your e-mail concerning AIG's efforts to get creationist material in school libraries. With so many school libraries out there, it is of course difficult to monitor them, or send information to them, individually, so probably our best bet is to work with school library associations to inform their members about the relevant legal, scientific, and librarianary (if that's a word) issues. This is among the projects that NCSE is actively pursuing.

Ho-kay, how many of us think that's a form letter? Raise your hands.

Anybody got a virus for them?

Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...

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