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Dave W.
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Posted - 10/28/2010 :  18:26:00  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This thread is for posting comments about the SFN article “The Curse of Being a Skeptic with a Cold” Please try to keep posts on topic. Only registered users may post comments.

Evil Skeptic

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Posted - 11/05/2010 :  07:35:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The article is now also featured on the Indie Skeptics blog that Jeff Wagg has put together. Cool beans!!!

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Posted - 11/05/2010 :  07:59:44   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Ebone4rock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kil

The article is now also featured on the Indie Skeptics blog that Jeff Wagg has put together. Cool beans!!!

Your coolness level has now increased.

Dr. Ebone's Magic Cold Cure:

1 shot whiskey (Crown Royal preferably but any whiskey of your choice will do)
1 glass orange juice
1-2 doses Nyquil

Drink shot of whiskey, drink orange juice, chase with Nyquil. Gather as many blankets as you can, cover yourself up with them, crawl into bed and sweat as much as possible. You should be fucked up enough on the whiskey and Nyquil to sleep soundly.

Is this the kind of advice you are talking about in your article?

Haole with heart, thats all I'll ever be. I'm not a part of the North Shore society. Stuck on the shoulder, that's where you'll find me. Digging for scraps with the kooks in line. -Offspring
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

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Posted - 11/05/2010 :  08:12:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ebone, your "cure" reminds me of "hat-and-Jack."

1) Hang your hat where you can see it at the end of your bed.

2) Get in bed.

3) Drink Jack Daniels (or your preferred alcohol).

4) When you can see two hats, you won't care that you've got a cold.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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Posted - 11/05/2010 :  08:19:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Ebone4rock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave W.

Ebone, your "cure" reminds me of "hat-and-Jack."

1) Hang your hat where you can see it at the end of your bed.

2) Get in bed.

3) Drink Jack Daniels (or your preferred alcohol).

4) When you can see two hats, you won't care that you've got a cold.

I'm diggin' it. I just might try it next time. Who needs science when you have whiskey?!

Haole with heart, thats all I'll ever be. I'm not a part of the North Shore society. Stuck on the shoulder, that's where you'll find me. Digging for scraps with the kooks in line. -Offspring
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Posted - 12/19/2010 :  19:00:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Smithford's Homepage Send Smithford a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Don't you love that our social contract has us enforcing dangerous practices on others?

"I took the bottle home, booted up my computer and checked the stuff out to make sure I hadn’t been poisoned. Okay, safe if I’m not pregnant but efficacy against the common cold has not been established. Shocking news indeed."

I keep telling people NOT to do this. Even **** IF ***** you think it's harmless herbal medicine or a placebo or whatnot . . . it's not. Why put yourself at risk to having an allergic reaction to a binding agent, an allergic reaction to the herbal substance itself, OR putting yourself in gastric distress of the intestines, smaller intestines or colon because of something in the herbal mix irritated your body?


You know better.

I know what you went through. I'm a auto-immune diabetic (LADA - Type 1.5). The number of people who tell me all I have to do to cure my diabetes is to stop eating sugary foods and bread is beyond distressing. There comes a point when someone hangs onto their belief so hard you just can't fight the ignorance.

I do hope you are feeling better, though.
004: A Bah-Humbug Post (In 4 Parts)
(Part I) Lost Relic Found, Reforging
(Part II) The Coca-Cola Fantasy
(Part III) The USS New York
(Part IV) Souls of the World (Trade Center)

Skeptic's Absinthe

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Evil Skeptic

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Posted - 12/19/2010 :  19:21:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Kil's Homepage  Send Kil an AOL message  Send Kil a Yahoo! Message Send Kil a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know what you went through. I'm a auto-immune diabetic (LADA - Type 1.5). The number of people who tell me all I have to do to cure my diabetes is to stop eating sugary foods and bread is beyond distressing. There comes a point when someone hangs onto their belief so hard you just can't fight the ignorance.

No kidding. As a type 2 diabetic I have been getting it for years. I just spent the afternoon with a pregnant friend of mine. She told me that everyone is giving her "medical" advise. Family, friends, strangers who pass her on the street and just about every person who has ever been pregnant or knows someone who has. It's amazing how little someone must know before they are expert enough to dispense medical knowledge.

Uncertainty may make you uncomfortable. Certainty makes you ridiculous.

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SFN Die Hard

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Posted - 12/19/2010 :  19:29:02   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit marfknox's Homepage  Send marfknox an AOL message Send marfknox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I enjoyed this article. Reminded me of what it was like when I was pregnant. All kinds of misinformation surrounds that condition, and people are never short of annoying advice. Happily I could just be a total bitch to them and they just attribute it to hormones.

"Too much certainty and clarity could lead to cruel intolerance" -Karen Armstrong

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Posted - 12/19/2010 :  22:05:18   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Smithford's Homepage Send Smithford a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I keep telling people NOT to do this. Even **** IF ***** you think it's harmless herbal medicine or a placebo or whatnot . . . it's not. Why put yourself at risk to having an allergic reaction to a binding agent, an allergic reaction to the herbal substance itself, OR putting yourself in gastric distress of the intestines, smaller intestines or colon because of something in the herbal mix irritated your body?

I used to work a job that required I sell an Acai berry series of products, all with the claim that it promoted natural weight loss. The products did, but not because of the Acai berry. The real culprit was the cayanne pepper filler. The mixes was very heavy with cayanne pepper. The number of people who called complaining about the products was huge. Everyone always blamed the issue on the Acai berry itself. You know, because if it's soooooo medically new and great it has to be what they were reacting to. Nope. It was the cayanne. I even had one client tell me she ate peppers all the time so the cayanne couldn't be it. There's a reason cayanne is a filler for so many 'natural cleanse' prodcuts. Oh, and that Acai stuff . . . yeah. Unless you're picking it and eating it right there, it's no good in the body. Sugar coated sugar has more nutritional value.

Reminded me of what it was like when I was pregnant. All kinds of misinformation surrounds that condition, and people are never short of annoying advice.

Again, it's that pesky social contract. If you're sick, it's not socially acceptable to say nothing. To do so would be to imply that you don't care or that you hate the person. A guy can get away with not saying something. You know, because guys aren't trained to see beyond their noses. (Or so they say.) But for a woman not to say something, for a woman to not offer some type of s/mothering advice when someone is sick is socially wrong.

There was a show on this last summer, True Beauty, with Carson Kressley as one of the judges. Time after time the judges ruled harshly on the women contestants for not fulfilling social contracts. One of the 'hidden challenges' was an obese woman in a wedding dress getting harangued by her mother (both actors). The judges were really harsh for the women contestants who didn't as much as offer some type of support for the woman in the wedding dress. Sure, they were disappointed in the men. (Kind of.) But the ones the judges harped on were the women. House had a very good episode at the end of last season/beginning of this season on social contracts. Talb, the guy with the big hook nose, made a point of saying that people always say his nose fits his face. Then he proved it by making a comment about his face in front of a cashier who automatically came back with, "But it fits your face." I know it was scripted, but the acting and writing on that episode was very good.

My Two cents.
Hope everyone is having a great day!

P.S. Type 2 Kil? Well, if ever you want someone to commiserate with you I'm it. My guy got diagnosed this last year. All the stuff I've been talking to him about for years he is now experiencing from the ground up. Doesn't mean I nag any less. Stereotypical fishwife, eh? *LOL* Thing is he's insulin resistant and I'm auto-immune. So there's a lot of stuff he has to pay attention to that doesn't touch on what I deal with and vice-versa. But you don't get a lot of people who'll be honest about that.

004: A Bah-Humbug Post (In 4 Parts)
(Part I) Lost Relic Found, Reforging
(Part II) The Coca-Cola Fantasy
(Part III) The USS New York
(Part IV) Souls of the World (Trade Center)

Skeptic's Absinthe

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