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Orwellingly Yurz
SFN Regular

529 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2007 :  21:06:02  Show Profile Send Orwellingly Yurz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
YO: Just THIS In....

The Onion a la Borowitz by Orwellingly Yurz 4-9-07

(New York, NY) --- Radio talk show host Howard Stern has been tasked to substitute for Don Imus, suspended from his program by CBS and MSNBC due to a comment he made on the air regarding team members of the Rutgers University womens' basketball squad. The team is comprised of African-American women. Mr. Imus referred to the players as, “nappy-headed hos,” which was defined by Mr. Imus' producer as, “black prostitutes who have frizzy hair.”

Mr. Imus has apologized since making the off-handed remark on his broadcast earlier this week, but the public outcry has been so great, the two networks, which carry “Imus in the Morning” are suspending him for 14 days, and will monitor his program after he returns to the air following the suspension to insure that the humorous cowboy-clothed host doesn't repeat such utterances as the “nappy-headed-hos” comment. The Reverend Al Sharpton has been one of Mr. Imus' sharpest critics.

Mr. Stern, not to be confused with Howard K. Stern, the former attorney of the deceased Anna Nicole Smith, said, “I am really f--king glad to be filling in for this Imus a--hole. I can't believe that jerk off said what he did about those jockstrap lady jigaboos. I'm gonna get those broads on his show while I'm hosting it and make ‘em show me their t-ts. So I'm sure everyone will want to tune in.”

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh, affable host of his own radio talk program on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, said, while interviewing Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney (R-Wyo/Tex) that, “The First Amendment is at risk since Imus has the right to speak his mind on his own radio show.” The Vice President added, “And if it hadn't been for Ronald Reagan's vision, the Fairness Doctrine would never have been repealed to allow such positive, healing comments to air on commercial radio stations across America like you hear every day on Rush's show for more than 20 years.” Native Missourian Limbaugh, who came to radio fame in Sacramento, CA rejoined, “Yes, Dick, and everyone can tell how much better radio, TV and even cable television news are now because of my cutting-edge, forthright and modest persona.”

(Brit Hume, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly contributed to this story.)


"The modern engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
--John Kenneth Galbraith

If dogs run free
Then what must be,
Must be...
And that is all
--Bob Dylan

The neo-cons have gotten welfare for themselves down to a fine art.

"The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights."
--J. Paul Getty

"The great thing about Art isn't what it give us, but what we become through it."
--Oscar Wilde

"We have Art in order not to die of life."
--Albert Camus

"I cling like a miser to the freedom I lose when surrounded by an abundance of things."
--Albert Camus

"Experience is the name so many people give to their mistakes."
--Oscar Wilde


15831 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2007 :  23:08:55   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well done, OY!

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2007 :  04:06:30   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Indeed, indeed. But really, it all begs the question of: just how stupid are these people, anyway? Couldn't Imus have seen the shit-storm coming?

Anybody that bone-headed can scarcely be worth listening to.....

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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Orwellingly Yurz
SFN Regular

529 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2007 :  11:36:20   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Orwellingly Yurz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
YO: Filthy!

Your logic is spic 'n span, sir. I had that figured out, as you, a long time ago: I've never listened to Mr. Imus. He has always struck me as someone who might say something as stupid as, "nappy-headed hos." And sure 'nuf! Guys like this don't disappoint, they just repulse.

OY, needs a break from the Imushit Storm.

"The modern engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
--John Kenneth Galbraith

If dogs run free
Then what must be,
Must be...
And that is all
--Bob Dylan

The neo-cons have gotten welfare for themselves down to a fine art.

"The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights."
--J. Paul Getty

"The great thing about Art isn't what it give us, but what we become through it."
--Oscar Wilde

"We have Art in order not to die of life."
--Albert Camus

"I cling like a miser to the freedom I lose when surrounded by an abundance of things."
--Albert Camus

"Experience is the name so many people give to their mistakes."
--Oscar Wilde
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15831 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2007 :  13:42:24   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Now, the qusetion is, OY, will Sacramento please take Imus back?

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2007 :  23:18:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OT rant:

The whole thing is nonsense. Since when is "nappy headed ho" a racist remark? It isn't as if he went off on some Michael Richards rant.

Imus is a dumbass, but that is what they PAY him to be.

Sharpton and the rest are pretending to be outraged and getting plenty of free publicity because of it.

In the US people have many rights. One of those rights is to be a bigoted racist asshole if you want to be. Another of those rights is to turn your radio or TV dial to another station if you want to. Another is to speak your mind openly if you want to.

There are also plenty of things that are not rights. You do not have the right to never be offended. You do not have the right to prevent another person from speaking their mind.

In the grand scheme of things the right to speak freely is more important than even the right to not be discriminated against, as free speech underpins that right. If we did not have the right of free speech, we would never have had a civil rights movement, never have given women the right to vote, and so on.

Part of the price of having free speech is that we have to tolerate some racist assholes from time to time (I remain unconvinced that Imus is racist, or that "nappy headed ho" is a racist comment).

People just need to excercise their right to change the station more often if they are offended.

/rant off

Now back to your regularly scheduled humor folder.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  02:34:23   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You might be right, Dude, you might be right. But I look at it this way: what if one of my daughters were on that team?

Imus, and his producers, deserve a horse-whipping.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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15831 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  03:05:02   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, the greedy networks that carry Imus tried to save his butt with a two-week suspension, hoping their money cow would be forgiven or his words forgotten by the end of that time. Staples, and Bigelow Teas, to their credit, are exercising their right to change to other venues, and no longer will sponsor Imus. IMHO, Imus is history. That puts a different spin on the networks' greed. Exit stage left in disgrace.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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SFN Regular

1191 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  15:06:58   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send R.Wreck a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree with you Dude, up to a point. While free speech is to be protected, Imus isn't standing in a public place on a soapbox. He is using the airwaves that belong to the people, as regulated by the government. And he and his corporate masters are raking in huge amounts of cash using these airwaves, and there are limits on what he can say. All that aside, I think Imus is a talentless hack, what he said should be handled by a sincere apology to the Rutgers women's basketball team (and only to them), and then forgotten. Al Sharpton is a self-promoting scumbag who could give a rat's ass about the girls on the team. He is using them to further his own publicity machine, further delaying the day when he might have to get a real job. And the rest of the media just seem to delight in being able to say "nappy-headed ho" with impunity, and blowing this nonsense up beyond all reasonable perspective.

The foundation of morality is to . . . give up pretending to believe that for which there is no evidence, and repeating unintelligible propositions about things beyond the possibliities of knowledge.
T. H. Huxley

The Cattle Prod of Enlightened Compassion
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Orwellingly Yurz
SFN Regular

529 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  15:34:49   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Orwellingly Yurz a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Halfmooner wrote: "Well, the greedy networks that carry Imus tried to save his butt with a two-week suspension,..."

YO: Two week suspensions of broadcast personalities is a way to make nice with the FCC and save a license from being pulled. I once knew a gentlemen in television who flipped the bird at a camera man in a studio. He didn't know that the camera had become "live" a second or two before he "boned" the camera man. There was a local 'outrage' with the well-known gentleman suddenly saying visually, on the air through sign language, "fuck you" to rather large TV audience in a red state (this happened a long time ago). But I witnessed it from about 5 feet away...uh, off camera, thank you very much.

The phones nearly melted down. It became one of the funniest things that ever happened in that market which will go unmentioned. The joke was after that, "Hey, do you know how to get a quick two-week vacation without pay?" The staff all knew the answer.

Now deceased, the man who threw the bird was a great guy, and everyone loved him, but he and some technicians still got suspended for two-weeks without pay. This allows a broadcast station to show in its file that it took punitive action for the act. The GM of the TV station even had to go on the air, in an editorial slot, and apologize to viewers for the on-air personality's gaff. And did every one laff...uh...when the GM wasn't around to hear it.

Today it is legend in that neck o' the woods. After the gentleman with the provocative finger retired from TV, he went on to be a PR type person for a local bank. I don't think his reputation was besmirched, even a little bit, with that famous wave of his boney finger.

But, it's a different ballgame when someone says something offensive on the air about student athletes regarding their race and their gender. I would call that being just plain stupid. Whether Imus has the right to say it or not isn't the point. You could say this latest "funny" remark is not Imus' Waterloo, but, rather, could be his Monica Lewinsky.


Orwellingly Yurz

"The modern engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
--John Kenneth Galbraith

If dogs run free
Then what must be,
Must be...
And that is all
--Bob Dylan

The neo-cons have gotten welfare for themselves down to a fine art.

"The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights."
--J. Paul Getty

"The great thing about Art isn't what it give us, but what we become through it."
--Oscar Wilde

"We have Art in order not to die of life."
--Albert Camus

"I cling like a miser to the freedom I lose when surrounded by an abundance of things."
--Albert Camus

"Experience is the name so many people give to their mistakes."
--Oscar Wilde
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  16:51:02   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am reminded of that fat, junked-out fuck, Rush Limbaugh when he took a cheap shot at Chelsea Clinton, She was something like 13 years old at the time. And the sick prick got away with it possibly because sitting Presidents aren't supposed to drag fat, junked-out fucks into the parking lot, and send them from there to the ER, express delivery....

And now Imus attacks someone's children; young adults far worthier than he, but still children to their parents, as they will always be.

It comes to notice that these loathsome scraps of human vermin won't hesitate to go after children, showing a level of courage, ethics and morals comparable to those of a eunuch rat. I would rejoice if every damned one of them got fired, even though I never listen to them (the great thing about a radio is that you can turn the bastard off). They are a fungoid blight on the public discourse and worthy of nothing but contempt and derision.

Come after me if you must, but don't even think of messing with my children, even today, when they have children of their own.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

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15831 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2007 :  20:38:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well said, Fil. I feel the same about my offspring.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Dave W.
Info Junkie

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Posted - 04/12/2007 :  13:49:33   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Dave W.'s Homepage Send Dave W. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Washington Post Radio just reported that CBS has fired Imus.

- Dave W. (Private Msg, EMail)
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2007 :  15:12:52   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What Dave_W said.

Imus is officially unemployed.

Now they need to can Limbaugh for calling Obama and Halley Berry "halfrican-americans".

Glen Beck for calling the Katrina victims "scumbags".

And so on.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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SFN Die Hard

6891 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2007 :  15:40:35   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Dude a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A great article on this topic.

Ignorance is preferable to error; and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.
-- Thomas Jefferson

"god :: the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." - G. Carlin

Hope, n.
The handmaiden of desperation; the opiate of despair; the illegible signpost on the road to perdition. ~~ da filth
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15831 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2007 :  17:26:13   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send HalfMooner a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Now the other shoe has dropped. Following MSNBC, CBS has now finally dropped Imus. Perhaps a few shock jocks will learn from Imus' self-inflicted head wound that there really is a difference between social criticism and outright racist, sexist name-calling. Or not.

I'm pretty certain that Adolf Hitler never publicly said anything as nasty about Jesse Owens as did Imus about that women's basketball team. As a rule of thumb: When your sense of fair play and self-restraint suffers by comparison to Der Fuhrer, you got a serious problem.

Biology is just physics that has begun to smell bad.” —HalfMooner
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Edited by - HalfMooner on 04/12/2007 17:50:13
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