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Skeptic Friend

99 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  10:44:24   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Kacey a Private Message
As a matter of fact, I betcha good old Stephen J. is sitting next to Carl Sagan right now wondering where they went wrong.

I mean, it's been no secret. It's been in the bible all along. But, hey, if they want to strip Jesus Christ of his creation glory...well, it's on them.

Man did not come from monkey, man came directly from God, created in His image....ask Gould or Sagan. They know.


I've read the end of the bible....the Christians win.

Edited by - kacey on 05/21/2002 10:45:16
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SFN Regular

1668 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  11:01:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Slater a Private Message

Man did not come from monkey, man came directly from God, created in His image....

Directly? Not what you book of fairy tales says.
It says man was a pile of dirt. (That's Adam, if it had been you the pile would have been made out of something else)
An invisible superman walked along and blew on it with his magic breath and it popped into a full grown man. That's your idea of a likely scenario?
Man did not decend from the dust bunny but they share a common ancestor.
That's your idea of where people came from? A magically annimated dust pile?
And did rabbits come from your invisible ghost god's top hat?

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations. ---Thomas Henry Huxley, 1860

Edited by - slater on 05/21/2002 11:02:03
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Skeptic Friend

99 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  11:08:05   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Kacey a Private Message


Man did not come from monkey, man came directly from God, created in His image....

Directly? Not what you book of fairy tales says.
It says man was a pile of dirt.

OK, you got me there. But God did make the dirt.

(That's Adam, if it had been you the pile would have been made out of something else)

Like gold dust?

An invisible superman walked along and blew on it with his magic breath and it popped into a full grown man. That's your idea of a likely scenario?

A dead puddle of gue got zapped by a lightning bolt and then evolved into a man....That's your idea of a likely scenario?

Man did not decend from the dust bunny but they share a common ancestor.

Nope, common creator.

That's your idea of where people came from? A magically annimated dust pile?
And did rabbits come from your invisible ghost god's top hat?

Sure beats a puddle of slime.

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations. ---Thomas Henry Huxley, 1860

Edited by - slater on 05/21/2002 11:02:03


I've read the end of the bible....the Christians win.
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Skeptic Friend

101 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  11:17:54   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Antie's Homepage  Send Antie an ICQ Message Send Antie a Private Message
A dead puddle of gue got zapped by a lightning bolt and then evolved into a man....That's your idea of a likely scenario?
Nope. It seems like you're the only person here who would think of such a thing.

Ian Andreas Miller. DIES GAUDII.
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SFN Regular

1668 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  11:22:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Slater a Private Message

A dead puddle of gue got zapped by a lightning bolt and then evolved into a man....That's your idea of a likely scenario?
Nope. It seems like you're the only person here who would think of such a thing.

I think he's talking about how straw men evolved.

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations. ---Thomas Henry Huxley, 1860
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SFN Regular

1668 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  11:24:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Slater a Private Message

(That's Adam, if it had been you the pile would have been made out of something else)

Like gold dust?

Gee, I dunno. Do horses eat gold?

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations. ---Thomas Henry Huxley, 1860
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Skeptic Friend

312 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  12:01:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Mespo_man a Private Message
Gee Xev.

What do you say when you REALLY get mad???

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SFN Regular

1223 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  12:11:37   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Lisa a Private Message
Hmmm, not too much on Kacey's bio. Anyone want to play "Profile the Troll"?

We have enough youth. We need a fountain of smart.
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Skeptic Friend

329 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  12:17:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Xev an ICQ Message Send Xev a Private Message
Mespo: Oh, then I use a whole lot more profanity.

Like gold dust?

A mixture of camel dung and slime.

Sure beats a puddle of slime.

A puddle of slime is smarter and more compassionate than you by a factor of 10^1000.

Sod off, or my next flame will make the last look like a gentle tickling.

Go Wings!

- Cthulhu Saves! -
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  14:42:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
Xev, I stand in awe. Further, I applaud your phrasing, vocabulary, and imagination.

Stephen Jay would be proud as well.


"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice."

- Albert Einstein
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SFN Regular

754 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  15:49:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send James a Yahoo! Message Send James a Private Message
Xev, please, next time don't hold back. Please. Don't hold back.

Or you could just e-mail me how you really feel.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.

Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...

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Skeptic Friend

329 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  15:55:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Xev an ICQ Message Send Xev a Private Message
*Xev grins and blushes*

You're all just too kind. Except Kayce, of course, who is a callous bitch with the intelligence quotient of a slime mold.

James: Well, you're a mod. Can I swear?

Please please pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Go Wings!

- Cthulhu Saves! -
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Skeptic Friend

90 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  17:58:11   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Physiofly a Private Message
I suspect he'll also spend his time in eternity seperated from Jesus. After all it was his free choice.

To be separated from something it has to exist first.

While the fundies disdain him at least Gould was a gentleman and even appreciated the music created to honor their god. The following quote by Gould is from Timothy Ferris' film "Life Beyond Earth" and is his reply to what he would ask is given the chance to write to an alien:

What I want to know from you is, "What's your biochemistry?" I really want to know whether life has to be done through DNA or whether there are lots of other ways, or I need another experiment to find out. And the other thing, "I will give to you B Minor Mass, because that's the best thing we've ever done. But I'd like to know whether you've ever done anything that beautiful, and if so, what was it, and share it with us."

"Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a
deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions." - Niccolo Machiavelli
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SFN Addict

2562 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2002 :  22:40:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send the_ignored a Private Message

BEEP, BEEP, back the truck up. It appears it was Goulds choice not to follow Jesus. I find no joy in knowing that Gould has sent himself into eternal seperation from the King of kings and Lord of lords.


If you don't find joy in this, then WHY did you start this thread? If it isn't to gloat, then explain to us exactly WHY you started this thread, please. Furthermore, why did you then later say
As a matter of fact, I betcha good old Stephen J. is sitting next to Carl Sagan right now wondering where they went wrong.

I mean, it's been no secret. It's been in the bible all along. But, hey, if they want to strip Jesus Christ of his creation glory...well, it's on them.

Man did not come from monkey, man came directly from God, created in His image....ask Gould or Sagan. They know.


I've read the end of the bible....the Christians win.

You repeat what you said earlier and speculate on how your philosophy's enemies have "wondered" where they went wrong. Your phrase of "good old Stephen J" basically shows that you don't give a shit about this man's life. Your claim that you find this sad is shown for the lie it is when you cavalierly toss off stuff like that in the post you made above. You haven't learned your lesson in empathy yet, have you?

Big surprise, you don't give a damn. It's obvious what your objective is. You wanted to say something really offensive like gloating over someone's death, in order to get us mad and say bad things to you, so you can say to others of your kind how "bad, impolite" people we are.

Well, before you do so, I'd advise you to (again!) put yourself in the shoes of Gould's son and Sagan's living relatives and imagine how THEY feel about your "tribute" to them. Once you understand how it feels to have loved ones run down like that after they die, then you'll see that YOU justifiably brought this reaction down on yourself.

By the way, if you're trying to pass off any illusions about creationist xtians being more polite than atheists, then here's a reality check for you:
Church of England on female priests:
- "I would shoot the bastards if I was allowed, because a woman can't represent Christ. Men and women are totally different,
that's not my fault, and Jesus chose men for his disciples."
[Church of England vicar Rev. Anthony Kennedy, March 9,1994 regarding female CofE priests]

- "Priestesses should be burnt at the stake because they are assuming powers they have no right to. In the medieval world that
was called sorcery. The way of dealing with sorcerers was to burn them at the stake. It's illegal now but if I had my way that is
what would happen to them. In medieval
times, I would burn the bloody bitches." [Church of England vicar Rev. Anthony Kennedy, March 9,1994 as reported in the
Times, regarding female CofE priests]



I don't think the fact that I had started an Atheist Club in the heart of an ultra-conservative school hit home for many people until I appeared on the front-page of the local paper. The community response was vari
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SFN Regular

754 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2002 :  05:15:31   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send James a Yahoo! Message Send James a Private Message

*Xev grins and blushes*

You're all just too kind. Except Kayce, of course, who is a callous bitch with the intelligence quotient of a slime mold.

Hey, watch it. Don't insult the slime mold. You know how they react to negative energy. I'm thinking more along the lines of a parameceium.

James: Well, you're a mod. Can I swear?


Please please pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Mmmm...okay, but watch whom you insult. I mean, really, who would want to be compared to a fundie?

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.

Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...Two more years...

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