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SFN Regular

775 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2002 :  02:32:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tim a Private Message
a) OK with the eternal torture of decent people? Then they are immoral.
b) Scared by the threat into submission? Then they are cowards.
c) Just incredible ignorant?

Those same questions bothered me, even as an altar boy in the Episcopal Church. I remember studies in confirmation class. And, I remember being scared that such a brutal, and self-absorbed deity could have so much power. I tried to read the bible at twelve years old, and couldn't get past Joshua. I thought that the children of Israel were the most blood thirsty, and evil people I've ever heard of. They made Hitler seem like an altar boy. Luckily, I discovered my own personal savior in those days--Marijuana.

Today, a fundamentalist seems to be the submissive in what has to be the most severe S&M lifestyle I've seen to date. The Marquis De Sade would be proud, especially since the dominant partner is a mere myth.

Anyway, I think Kacey is no longer a cute and entertaining novelty. He's actually gotten to be quite a pain in the ass. I would not feel any loss if Atomic locked all of Kacey's threads. The only exception I can see, is if Kacey would care to debate the veracity of the very book that seems to be the source and wellspring of all of his arrogance. I would truly enjoy debating the bible book by book, and myth by myth. Unfortunately, it appears that our friend has been around the block, and undoubtedly knows that the bible disproves itself at every turn.

"The Constitution ..., is a marvelous document for self-government by Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society." P. Robertson
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Skeptic Friend

329 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2002 :  03:00:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Xev an ICQ Message Send Xev a Private Message
a) OK with the eternal torture of decent people? Then they are immoral.
b) Scared by the threat into submission? Then they are cowards.
c) Just incredible ignorant?

They are in an unfamiliar mental state, I think. It is as if they are drugged - no logical thinking, just this sense of bliss.


Anyways, they'd probably say that such people are not decent or somthing.

Edit to add:

Anyways, this is why I worship Cthulhu. He may eat people, occasionally, but he's normally pretty nice.
!Go Wings!

- Cthulhu Saves! -

Edited by - Xev on 05/24/2002 03:01:34
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SFN Regular

1613 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2002 :  04:24:49   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Starman a Private Message
Anyways, they'd probably say that such people are not decent or somthing.

Well, they usually say that the persons in question are nice people but they are deceived by Satan.
And we all know on who's pay-roll Satan is.

"God-as revealed in his book of edicts and narratives is practically an idiot. He has nothing to say that any sensible person should want to listen to."
-- Johann Most
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Skeptic Friend

96 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2002 :  14:49:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send DVF a Private Message
As a matter of fact, I betcha good old Stephen J. is sitting next to Carl Sagan right now wondering where they went wrong.

I mean, it's been no secret. It's been in the bible all along. But, hey, if they want to strip Jesus Christ of his creation glory...well, it's on them.

Man did not come from monkey, man came directly from God, created in His image....ask Gould or Sagan. They know.


I'm sure, were they alive to hear it, Gould and Sagan would revel in your derision. Few things could be a better vindication of their acheivments than to have earned the contempt of cowardly, small minded theist extremists who cling desperately to the anchor of their imaginary magic god with one hand and the inevitable progress of the human race with the other.

You fundies are dead weight. You want to stay behind with your fairy tales go ahead, but leave the rest of us alone. Go burn some Harry Potter books or something.

"Know what, if you were in a building, and it was on fire, I'd rescue you."
- My Son 3/5/2002
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Skeptic Friend

61 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2002 :  16:05:33   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send jec96 a Private Message

I've noticed most of the people here are pitchers and not catchers.

Lighten up...take a chill pill my evo skeptic friends.

I can just imagine the surprised look on Goulds face, well the spirit part of Goulds face, when he realized Genesis was right.

Now the sad part, seeing how he decided to spend his time on earth seperated from Jesus....I suspect he'll also spend his time in eternity seperated from Jesus. After all it was his free choice.

ROM 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.


I've read the end of the bible....the Christians win.

Hmm, good choice of words, imagine..since that is what you are forced to do with no proof other than one poorly written book as refenrence, you must rely on your imagination for what you think is happening..hmmm

You ask for us to take a chill pill...would you like if we intruded on your turf and put down one of your (real) heros? At least he was a hero to me, willing to discuss topics like evolution vs. creation, now if you have someone like that who is (and was) a true flesh and blood person, I would trey and repect the sorrow you would be feeling, not rubbing your nose in and saying "hah, how does it feel knowing the person you admired is worm dirt now?!" So much for christian love and compassion, you are an example of in part why groups like this exist...I imagine (notice use of word) if their was a hell for skeptics, it would consist of listening to the drivel you spout in this forum. i am sure you are quite happy with yourself, and think in some wayyour faith is justified in Gould's death. Just keep that small kernel of doubt there, that he, (and we) may be right.

By the way, this could be in kasey's bio..

-It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Edited by - jec96 on 05/24/2002 16:10:46
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Skeptic Friend

329 Posts

Posted - 05/26/2002 :  16:32:51   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Xev an ICQ Message Send Xev a Private Message
This thread has no purpose but to slur a wonderful human being. I'm closing it.

Kayce, you are a stupid whore. Stay away from the nail polish and glue from now on.

!Go Wings!

- Cthulhu Saves! -

Edited by - Xev on 05/26/2002 16:37:01
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