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SFN Regular

1496 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2001 :  16:23:32  Show Profile  Visit Chippewa's Homepage Send Chippewa a Private Message
Poll Question:
Do you think the coming struggle against terrorism will be detrimental to on-going science and space research?

Edited by - chippewa on 09/20/2001 16:33:29

Edited by - chippewa on 09/20/2001 16:35:35


Poll Status: Locked  »»   Total Votes: 0 counted  »»   Last Vote: never 

Skeptic Friend

333 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2001 :  17:14:41   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Rift a Private Message
I don't think the 'war' itself will be detrimental, but there might be a fall out as it gets more press and more people have the idea "what the heck are we doing up there spending all that money" :(

There's already far too many thinking that now... :(

"Goddammit! The world is just filling up with more and more idiots! And the computer is giving them access to the world! They're
spreading their stupidity! At least they were contained before--now they're on the loose everywhere!"?
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Skeptic Friend

188 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2001 :  17:45:00   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send comradebillyboy a Private Message
the current mobilization will adversly affect the military's space program first, but nasa will be hurt if the military effort and current economic downturn continue for an extended period.

comrade billyboy
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SFN Regular

842 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2001 :  19:25:29   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send ljbrs a Private Message
Personally, I do not think that terrorism can be contained. The nature of religious fanaticism is such that there will be dangerous kooks as long as there are human beings alive to create such stupidity.

Eventually, the cockroaches and the rats will have the Earth all to themselves...


*Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error.* Goethe
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Kaptain K
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Posted - 09/21/2001 :  03:21:59   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Kaptain K a Private Message
Space will be put on the front burner as soon as somebody points out to "W":
1) Meteor crater in Arizona.
2) That there are zillions of rocks just like the one that did it in the asteroid belt.
3) A meteor strike would appear to be a natural disaster!

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Posted - 09/21/2001 :  04:10:34   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send qthelost a Private Message
Certainly it will hurt. I don't think it will be detrimental to anything that has to do with Earth orbit. But send something beyond Earth orbit? I can already hear the argument against it.

"You want to spend millions of dollars to send a probe to a small rock beyond Neptune in the cold, distant backwater of the solar system when we have young soldiers dying in a foriegn country and terrorist bombs going off in cities across America?"

And GOD I hope I am wrong about all of the above.

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Donnie B.
Skeptic Friend

417 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2001 :  14:35:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Donnie B. a Private Message
Um... anybody ever hear of something called the Vietnam War, and another something called the Apollo Program?

Ever notice how well the dates and budgets tracked each other?

Space will be a priority, or not, on its own merits. Let's all try to make sure our legislators know how we feel about it, ok?

-- Donnie B.

Brian: "No, no! You have to think for yourselves!" Crowd: "Yes! We have to think for ourselves!"
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SFN Regular

842 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2001 :  17:42:16   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send ljbrs a Private Message
Um... anybody ever hear of something called the Vietnam War, and another something called the Apollo Program?

Ever notice how well the dates and budgets tracked each other?

Actually the Apollo Program began before the Vietnam War when we were in a race with USSR (now Russia, again) following the Soviets' putting Sputnik into orbit. Sputnik was a great shock for Americans. It took the Apollo program to bring us ahead of the Soviets in space.

Of course, there are those nutcakes who think that the whole Apollo Program was staged out west on some desert movie stage. Sure...


*Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error.* Goethe
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SFN Regular

1447 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2001 :  05:47:03   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message
We just had an All-Hands meeting yesterday by our center administrator (it's the end of the fiscal year), and he assured us (with proof, not just words ) that the NASA budget is in fine standing (no decreases, and maybe some increases).

We have recently begun work on SLI (Space Launch Initiative), where we are working on better and cheaper ways to get into space (I believe the goal is to decrease cost by a factor of 10 in 5 years or so). Our microgravity research, in-space propulsion, and earth, space, and optical sciences are all in good standing. Look forward to shuttle privitization soon, but keep in mind that NASA's number one priority has and always will be safety, and so this mindset, coupled with competition by major space vehicle manufacturers, should be a "Good Thing™"

DISCLAIMER: I'm just a humble computer guy here as Marshall Space Flight Center. I work at the Documentation Repository, where we provide storage and distribution on CD of NASA documents. So I'm not privy to any "special" information, but I do have an insider's view.


And if rain brings winds of change
let it rain on us forever.
I have no doubt from what I've seen
that I have never wanted more.
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SFN Die Hard

5311 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2002 :  09:50:46   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Isn't Space Research for the most part about the military?

"Not one human life should be expended in this reckless violence called a war against terrorism." - Howard Zinn
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SFN Regular

1447 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2002 :  10:42:22   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message
Isn't Space Research for the most part about the military?



Sum Ergo Cogito
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SFN Die Hard

5311 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2002 :  20:46:53   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Would you disagree with the War Resisters League contention that approximately half of NASA's budget is military?

Would you also disagree that there is a great deal spent on Star Wars type programs, and other outer space pipe dreams?


Isn't Space Research for the most part about the military?



Sum Ergo Cogito

"Not one human life should be expended in this reckless violence called a war against terrorism." - Howard Zinn
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Skeptic Friend

329 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2002 :  21:27:40   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Send Xev an ICQ Message Send Xev a Private Message
Correct me if I'm wrong, Gorgo, but this was the only mention of NASA:

Current Military,$334B: Military Personnel $78B, Operation and Maintenance $107B, Family Housing $4B, Procurement $54B, Research and Development $37B, Construction $5B, $1B Misc., Retired Pay $17B, DoE Nuclear Weapons $13B, NASA 50% $7B, Coast Guard $4B, Internat'l Security $7B

Is NASA still part of the DOD?


Xev -Ad astra!- Bellringer
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SFN Regular

751 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2002 :  22:04:27   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit gezzam's Homepage Send gezzam a Private Message
At least you guys have a space program....the closest thing we have to rockets is when bullshit fires out of our politicians arses causing them to splutter inane rubbish.

"Damn you people. Go back to your shanties." --- Shooter McGavin
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SFN Die Hard

5311 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  05:05:21   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Well, I may be reading it wrong, but my impression is the 50% in there was to say that half of NASA's budget is military.

I'm not saying this is correct, I'm asking TD if it's correct. I suspect that there is some basis in fact. I also doubt if NASA is the only government subsidized area of space research. I'm sure it goes on in the Universities and other branches of government.

Again, if you can find an unbiased source, you tell me about it and we'll kill it together. The important question is is the source correct, not is it biased.


Correct me if I'm wrong, Gorgo, but this was the only mention of NASA:

Current Military,$334B: Military Personnel $78B, Operation and Maintenance $107B, Family Housing $4B, Procurement $54B, Research and Development $37B, Construction $5B, $1B Misc., Retired Pay $17B, DoE Nuclear Weapons $13B, NASA 50% $7B, Coast Guard $4B, Internat'l Security $7B

Is NASA still part of the DOD?


"Not one human life should be expended in this reckless violence called a war against terrorism." - Howard Zinn
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SFN Regular

1447 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  09:24:48   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tokyodreamer a Private Message
Isn't Space Research for the most part about the military?


Would you disagree with the War Resisters League contention that approximately half of NASA's budget is military?

Consistency please.

If you are really interested, you must first define "space research". Then you must let us know if you are talking about the nature of the research, or if you are just referring to which budget the dollars come from.

Exploring planets, comets, and asteroids, sending up the space shuttle, and the research that takes place, etc. is not military in nature. There may be some cross-applicability in some cases, and who knows how their budget is set up (if some money comes from "military" sources, this does not necessarily mean the research is at all military in nature, it may be just how they do the books).


Sum Ergo Cogito

Edited by - tokyodreamer on 02/07/2002 09:25:52
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