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Skeptic Friend

United Kingdom
143 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  01:18:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send NottyImp a Private Message
Well, as I come from the UK, she's my Queen as well. But I'm a Republican, so that's a bad thing. Really, Kings and Queens are so 18th century, aren't they?

"My body is a temple - I desecrate it daily."
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SFN Regular

775 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  03:54:17   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Tim a Private Message
It hurts too see how the pc sheep have mutilated our society in the modern
Im really tired of hearing this lame assed excuse for the justification of insults. I don't call balck people niggers, hispanics spics, Irish micks, Jews Kikes, Italians Wops or even Cajuns Coon Asses because it's politically correct not to do so. I don't call them these things because I have respect for them.

When I support the right of people to be able to love, and to share themselves with any consenting adult they choose, and in any safe, sane and consensual manner they choose, I don't do it to be politically correct. I could care less about politically correct. I support these people because I want to protect the rights of all people to be able to enjoy their partner or partners in the privacy of their own home without fear of voyeuristic law enforcemnt peeking into their windows, or from being jailed for their affections!

For me, my wife and our long term lover, we are very concientious of the right of consent and the ability to say "NO." We further find the biases of monsexuals to be rather strange, if not completely priggish. However, we are more than happy to allow them to make their own choices, as long as they are not harming another. We do not judge others or wish to control their personal lives simply because we may be of the opinion that they are living a more temperate or austere lifestye than we are. This is called being tolerant and compassionate, not politically correct!

Hence ALL paedophiles that are interested in same sex sex, are by definition, also homo.
All people interested in having sex with a child are pedophiles. Gender doesn't matter. The latest sensational case of pedophilia in Louisiana involves a woman and a teen aged boy. The case of a man molesting a boy in this state is quite rare, even in the gay Mecca of New Orleans.

I am hetero, I have NO sexual deviances, ergo I am not a paedophile, either in fact or potentially.
Welshdean, you make this claim, and you seem very adamant about it. I could easily read something else into this. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." You see, I am far more likely to believe Cold's claim of sexual preference because Cold has much more to loose than you...You could possibly be struggling with your own inner homophobia, or have something far more terrible to hide.

However, I choose to take your word for it, and to accept and respect your opinion though I may disagree. If this is p.c., then all I can say is B.S. in caps!

To continue quoting Hamlet, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are gettin' out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their -- their love with women all across this country." Dubya in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, 9/6/2004
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Cold in here
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Posted - 06/19/2003 :  09:38:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Cold in here a Private Message
The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000)
Dec. 22, 1967

Toronto is the capital of Canada, and I live in a giant igloo. Blubber anyone?
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Cold in here
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Posted - 06/19/2003 :  09:44:10   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Cold in here a Private Message
Ottawa will make new legislation to re-define the meaning of marriage in Canada, legalizing same-sex unions across Canada. Alberta will use the "Notwithstanding clause" and so will not be allowing same-sex marriage.

Toronto is the capital of Canada, and I live in a giant igloo. Blubber anyone?
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Skeptic Friend

179 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  13:56:55   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fireballn a Private Message
Cold my dear friend, a queen without power is dead. I have no queen or king, especially from a nation from which we drew INDEPENDENCE from. She is a figure head, an icon, much like the Energizer bunny. She makes visits and tours......and has no effect politically on this country.

Maybe the US should put a picture of good ol' queen Elizabeth on their money.....they escaped the English as well.....

And btw I am educated about our country.....I just choose not pledge allegiance to England's queen, who is head of a paper monarchy.

Oh and btw gessam our special ops team the JTF 2, was in Iraq so we were there. I feel so much better.

.....sorry back to the thread

If i were the supreme being, I wouldn't have messed around with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers 8 o'clock day one!
-Time Bandits-
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SFN Addict

2511 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  17:22:06   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Snake's Homepage  Send Snake an ICQ Message  Send Snake a Yahoo! Message Send Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by Fireballn

Cold my dear friend, a queen without power is dead. I have no queen or king, especially from a nation from which we drew INDEPENDENCE from. She is a figure head, an icon, much like the Energizer bunny. She makes visits and tours......and has no effect politically on this country

For the past many years I have had allegiance to a country that has a King and Queen who are also mostly figure heads in that they have no power in the government but are beloved by the people. They unite the country and contribute to causes. The Queen I belive is the head of the Red Cross for example. They do good things. I would not say their power is dead or not respected or has no effect.
Is it the UK/England only that you don't like? I like the idea of Kings and Queens. Besides here in the USA I don't think the people have anymore say so in the government than a Queen or King.
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Skeptic Friend

179 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  20:25:51   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Fireballn a Private Message
Snake I can appreciate what you said. I have no problem with England, the UK, Queens, Kings, or any royalty. They serve a great service to the world. Take Lady Diana for instance, she did many great and wonderful things for humanity, and brought England and the world together in her unfortunate and untimely passing.

This does not underscore the importance of the British monarchy in Canada.....where it still has little to no impact on anything. That was my point. It is more of a romantic idea that grips the public. Some people still want to be rescued by a prince on a white horse.

If i were the supreme being, I wouldn't have messed around with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers 8 o'clock day one!
-Time Bandits-
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SFN Addict

2511 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2003 :  21:13:47   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit Snake's Homepage  Send Snake an ICQ Message  Send Snake a Yahoo! Message Send Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by Fireballn

Snake I can appreciate what you said. I have no problem with England, the UK, Queens, Kings, or any royalty. They serve a great service to the world. Take Lady Diana for instance, she did many great and wonderful things for humanity, and brought England and the world together in her unfortunate and untimely passing.

This does not underscore the importance of the British monarchy in Canada.....where it still has little to no impact on anything. That was my point. It is more of a romantic idea that grips the public. Some people still want to be rescued by a prince on a white horse.

Ok, understood.
While I wouldn't want to rescue a maiden I do have fantasies of being a Knight in battle (I guess, for my King).
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Skeptic Friend

United Kingdom
143 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2003 :  06:12:43   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send NottyImp a Private Message
They serve a great service to the world. Take Lady Diana for instance, she did many great and wonderful things for humanity, and brought England and the world together in her unfortunate and untimely passing.

No they don't. They're an anachronistic hang-over from the feudal age and have no part in a modern democracy, let alone a society where citizens have some control over their lives (ie, no modern democracy that I know of).

As for Lady Diana, she was an extremely gifted media-manipulator and self-publicist, but wasn't very bright, and did no more work for the good of humanity than anyone else in her priviliged (and very wealthy) position would have been able to do.

Let's be clear, people only like monarchies when they're effectively powerless, at which point they should have to good grace to abolish themselves.

"My body is a temple - I desecrate it daily."
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SFN Regular

751 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2003 :  06:59:09   [Permalink]  Show Profile  Visit gezzam's Homepage Send gezzam a Private Message
Originally posted by Fireballn

Cold my dear friend, a queen without power is dead. I have no queen or king, especially from a nation from which we drew INDEPENDENCE from. She is a figure head, an icon, much like the Energizer bunny. She makes visits and tours......and has no effect politically on this country.

Maybe the US should put a picture of good ol' queen Elizabeth on their money.....they escaped the English as well.....

And btw I am educated about our country.....I just choose not pledge allegiance to England's queen, who is head of a paper monarchy.

Oh and btw gessam our special ops team the JTF 2, was in Iraq so we were there. I feel so much better.

.....sorry back to the thread

I believe that Canada, as in Australia has a Governor General who is the head of state and is representative of the Queen. The Governor General in Australia has the power to dismiss the Prime Minister as happened here with Sir John Kerr giving Gough Whitlam the arse in 1975.

Although the role of the governor-general is largely ceremonial, it plays an essential part in Canadian government. No sitting of the House of Commons or Senate, nor of any provincial legislature, may take place unless called by the governor-general or by the provincial lieutenant-governors. Elections are called by the governor-general or the lieutenant-governors though usually only on the advice of the prime minister or the provincial premiers. No act of any government becomes law until given royal assent by the governor-general or by the governor-general's deputy. Governors-general and lieutenant-governors are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the prime minister and the premiers for a term of approximately five years.

So although she is largely ceremonial, she (and her representative) can have a political effect on a country as happened here in 1975. Of course, this is under the presumption that your system of government is the mostly same as ours.

This is why I want Australia to become a Republic with a head of state nominated by the people and voted in with by parliament with a two thirds majority. The current system has flaws as only one person (the Prime Minister) determines the head of state. This often boils down to a "jobs for mates" system, and in the case of our last Governor General was a fiasco.

anyway, back to the thread.....

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.

Al Franken
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Darwin Storm
Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 06/20/2003 :  11:43:38   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Darwin Storm a Private Message
I have never understood the fascination with the British royal family. I know, as an American, the culutural signifigance of royalty is zip, so I may never be able to understand the appeal of royal aristocracy. Even here in the states, the death of Princess Di was big news, but I really didn't understand it. She seemed a nice enough lady, but I don't know how that makes someone such a powerful figurehead. I have meet lots of nice people, but because they lacked a certain "royal position", their lives merely touch those around them. I guess rank does have privelages......
I still don't get it. Maybe someone could explain the fascination.
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SFN Die Hard

14408 Posts

Posted - 06/22/2003 :  14:37:55   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send filthy a Private Message
I got a medium chuckle out of this article:

Edited 'cause Big Dummy forgot to put in the stupid link. Yeesh!

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

"If only we could impeach on the basis of criminal stupidity, 90% of the Rethuglicans and half of the Democrats would be thrown out of office." ~~ P.Z. Myres

"The default position of human nature is to punch the other guy in the face and take his stuff." ~~ Dude

Brother Boot Knife of Warm Humanitarianism,

and Crypto-Communist!

Edited by - filthy on 06/22/2003 14:40:46
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Computer Org
Skeptic Friend

392 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2003 :  08:35:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Computer Org a Private Message
I certainly don't mean to hijack this thread (not that it could get much more hijacked than it is ), but it seems to be pretty dead and stale, so:
Originally posted by Slater:


"Nay, nay a boo boo."

Errrr. That sounds very much like a non-human language. Is it? Are you, perchance, learning to converse in a non-human language? If so: FASCINATING!! Envy! Envy!
Originally posted by Gorgo

Slater is of the opinion that his need to feel what he calls disgust is of importance to any of us. If you hate and feel disgust about something, that tells me more about you than the thing you hate or disgust. Otherwise it's pretty much irrelevant.
I hate corrupt government.

Oh, well. Why fool around. I HATE GOVERNMENT!

Do thou amend thy face, and I'll amend my life. --Falstaff
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SFN Die Hard

5311 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2003 :  11:54:28   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Gorgo a Private Message
Well, if Slater is a latent homosexual for being disgusted by homosexuals behavior, then you must be a latent Senator for hating government.

I know the rent is in arrears
The dog has not been fed in years
It's even worse than it appears
But it's alright-
Jerry Garcia
Robert Hunter

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Computer Org
Skeptic Friend

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Posted - 06/27/2003 :  12:03:14   [Permalink]  Show Profile Send Computer Org a Private Message
Latent Senator?

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